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Consolidate the foundation of artificial intelligence technology to raise the salary of industrial intelligence – News-Science Network

Consolidate the foundation of AI technology to add salary to industrial intelligence

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held successfully and our party and our country are at a new starting point for a new journey. The implementation of the country’s rejuvenation strategy through science and education was included in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China as an independent chapter, reflecting the high importance the party attaches to independent innovation in science and in technology. The great strategic deployment made by the CCP Central Committee on science and technology work has pushed my country’s science and technology enterprises to a new level and has become a strong driving force to promote economic and social development and build a powerful modern socialist country. in an all-round way.

The Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed the implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy, stressing that technological innovation is the strategic support to improve social productivity and global national strength and must be placed at the center of development overall national; the XIX National Congress of the Communist Party highlighted that innovation is the first to drive development. The engine is the strategic support for the construction of a modern economic system; the V Plenary Session of the XIX Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed to adhere to the central position of innovation in the overall situation of my country’s modernization construction and to take scientific and technological self-sufficiency and self-improvement as strategic support for national development.

Xi JinpingThe Secretary General stressed in the report of the 20th National Congress that education, science and technology and talents are the fundamental and strategic support for building a well-rounded modern socialist country. We must insist that technology is the main productive force, talent is the primary resource, and innovation is the main driving force, deeply implement the country’s rejuvenation strategy through science and education, the strengthening strategy of the country through talent and innovation-driven development strategy, open new fields and new development paths and constantly shape new growth drivers and new benefits. Science and technology, talents and innovation, interaction and promotion of the three will jointly promote the development of the qualitative leap of my country’s economy and society.

Consolidate the new artificial intelligence infrastructure and build a prosperous, open and innovative ecosystem

Currently, a new generation of information technology represented by artificial intelligence, big data and cloud computing is developing vigorously, leading a new cycle of technological revolution and industrial transformation. As the core technology of artificial intelligence, deep learning has strong versatility and has the features of standardization, automation and modularization.It promotes artificial intelligence to enter the stage of industrial mass production and accelerates the upgrade of the industrial intelligence. The “14th Five Year Plan” lists artificial intelligence as a key frontier field of science and technology and clearly proposes to build an open source algorithm platform as a “deep learning framework”.

In the large-scale production phase of the artificial intelligence industry, the deep learning platform is connected to the chip and the application and is located in the key central position of the artificial intelligence technology system, which is equivalent to the “operating system in the” smart was “. With the popularization of deep learning technology and innovations in self-controlled training models, large models have introduced a new AI research and development paradigm, have improved the versatility of AI and lowered the threshold even further. for artificial intelligence applications. It can be said that the large model combined with the deep learning platform runs through the whole chain of the artificial intelligence industry from hardware adaptation, model formation, inference distribution to scene application. foundation of industrial intelligence and strongly supports technological innovation and industrial intelligence upgrade.

In terms of deep learning platform, Baidu Fei Pao is my country’s first industrially self-developed open source deep learning platform. Flying Paddle System has established a full process technology system for industrial-grade deep learning development, training and implementation, integrates a deep learning framework, industry-grade model library, rich development kits and components of tools and its core technology is an international leader. Flying Paddle can effectively solve the problems that companies face in the large-scale application process of artificial intelligence technology, the technology development cycle is long, the application landing process is complex, multi-terminal, multi-platform and multi-hardware adaptation is difficult, and the artificial intelligence model is getting bigger and bigger Models training efficiency and other problems, greatly reducing the application threshold and accelerating the industrial intelligence process.

So far, the Paddle platform has gathered 4.77 million developers and served 180,000 companies and institutions.It is the largest deep learning framework and enabling platform in the Chinese market and one of the top three deep learning platforms in the world.

In terms of large AI models, the Wenxin model for industry-wide knowledge enhancement developed by the Flying Paddle deep learning platform can integrate learning from large-scale knowledge and huge data, with better and greater results. efficiency. Wenxin’s models, tools and methodology derive from industrial practice and have been verified in industrial practice. At present, there are more than 20 large models in the Wenxin large model series, including basic general large models represented by Pengcheng-Baidu Wenxin, large models in fields such as biological computing, and models of large in sectors such as energy, finance and aerospace Wait. The Wenxin model will continue to lower the threshold, accelerate industrial application and allow artificial intelligence technology to benefit everyone.

Technological innovation and industrial development ultimately depend on talent. Gathering forces from all walks of life, cultivating AI-compounded talents with professional knowledge and practical industrial experience in a well-rounded, multi-level environment, and playing the leading role of talent will help stimulate the vitality of innovation and promote ecological prosperity. Flying Paddle collaborates with universities, research institutes, companies, etc. to provide learning and training platforms, build developer communities, cultivate AI concepts, and enrich industrial application practices. Has trained more than 2 million AI technology talent in my country and industry. , which verifies the strong driving force of the interaction between technology, talent and innovation.

Fully unlock the potential of technology and accelerate the intelligent upgrade of the industry

The wave of technology-driven industrial transformation has arrived, and the construction of new infrastructure has provided fertile ground for the development of the digital economy. Today the digital technology represented by artificial intelligence has accelerated innovation, has left the laboratory, has penetrated the fields, workshops and workshops, and has increasingly integrated into the entire process of economic and social development in the various fields, becoming a new driving force for industrial transformation and the strengthening and stimulation of economic vitality.

On the one hand, artificial intelligence technology helps traditional industries to carry out 360-degree and chain-wide upgrades, making production more efficient and competitive on the market, and has become an important hub for the transformation and empowerment of traditional industries. ; on the other hand, it has also generated many new formats and models, to cultivate new points of economic growth.

For example, in the manufacturing industry, artificial intelligence has been applied to various links such as quality inspection, safety inspection, equipment monitoring, schedule optimization, etc., to help improve the quality, efficiency and safety of the entire production and operational process of enterprises and promote industrial transformation and upgrading. The Chinese “intellectual” creates a more visible future.

In the field of agriculture, intelligent agricultural machines such as unmanned tractors can already farm independently; intelligent pest monitoring system helps farmers to apply pesticides and fertilizers accurately and scientifically; vegetable greenhouses turn into smart farms and a mobile app can capture the growth and environmental conditions of greenhouse vegetables. Agricultural production is moving towards digitalization, intelligence and greening, and artificial intelligence is on the rise.

In terms of urban transportation, Baidu’s intelligent transportation solutions have been practiced and verified in more than 50 cities across the country.Smart transportation is helping to solve important problems such as safety, congestion and carbon emissions, making our trips safer, more convenient, more efficient, greener and cheaper.

Of course, there is still ample room for growth in the development of my country’s digital economy, it is necessary to continue to consolidate the construction of digital infrastructures and accelerate the deep integration of digital technologies and industries, so as to strengthen and optimize the digital economy. . As a leading artificial intelligence company, Baidu will continue to improve its innovation capabilities and core technology research capabilities, consolidate artificial intelligence, open source and open source infrastructure, lower the threshold for intelligence applications artificial intelligence technology and make AI technology an accelerator for the sustainable development of the digital economy The digital economy will become stronger and better and wages will continue to rise.

(The author is Baidu’s Chief Technology Officer, Director of the National Engineering Research Center for Deep Learning Technology and Application)

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