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Considered the Destroyer of Dinosaurs, Can an Asteroid Destroy the Entire Earth?

photo/2023/03/07/bisakah-asteroid-menghancurkan-b-20230307114526.jpg?resize=360%2C240&ssl=1" alt="Bisakah asteroid menghancurkan Bumi?"/>

Can asteroids destroy Earth? (PIXABAY/Willgard)

Bobo.id – Stories and news about asteroids passing close to Earth have been heard recently.

Asteroids are rocks orbiting the Sun. Although their behavior is the same as that of planets, asteroids are much smaller than planets.

Asteroids can also be found in planetary orbits which means that both asteroids and planets follow the same path around the Sun.

A week ago, NASA had warned that three asteroids the size of skyscrapers were headed for Earth.

The asteroid referred to by NASA is named 2012 DK31. The asteroid measures 137 meters or the equivalent of a 40-story building.

Asteroid 2006 BE55 of the same size also passed by. There is also an asteroid named 2021 QW measuring 76 meters which will pass.

Even so, we don’t need to worry, because the distance between the passing asteroid and Earth reaches 2.2 million miles or 3.5 million kilometers.

To make it easier to imagine, this distance is equivalent to approximately 10 times the average distance of the Earth and the moon, my friends.

Although it does not pose a direct threat to Earth, NASA classifies it as a potentially dangerous asteroid.

Can Asteroids Destroy Earth?

It is estimated that around 66 million years ago was the time when the extinction of the dinosaurs occurred due to an asteroid impact.

Also Read: Often Think of the Same, What’s the Difference from Asteroids, Comets, Meteoroids, Meteors, and Meteorites?

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