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Consider This When Planning to Eat at a Restaurant

There are things to consider when going back to eating at restaurants.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Many countries are now starting to allow restaurants and restaurants to open again. Even though the restaurant operates with a reduced number of visitors, there are things that need to be considered when returning to dining at the restaurant.

In the United States (US), guidelines for reopening restaurants vary from state to state. Authority gives the restaurant flexibility to regulate its space and make rules dine-in according to health protocols. Meanwhile, some restaurants provide outdoor dining, tables that are six feet apart, and apply social distancing creatively.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report found that people who tested positive for Covid-19 recorded at least twice eat at the restaurant than those who don’t. This of course must be a consideration if we want to go back to eating at restaurants in the midst of a pandemic.

Launched by insider, Saturday (19/9), restaurant visitors should consider the risks before going out to eat, especially for those who sit inside the restaurant.

Here are five things you should consider when planning to eat at a restaurant.

The infection rate in the living area is high
If Covid-19 spreads rapidly in the areas where we live, then eating out has a higher risk. When the virus spreads rapidly, it can be a signal to stay at home.

We can also follow directions from local government officials to find out whether the number of cases is increasing or decreasing in where we live. If there has been a recent increase, it’s best to put off eating at restaurants.

The restaurant is poorly ventilated
Building ventilation and air conditioning can help fight the spread of Covid-19, if they function properly. Conversely, if the ventilation or air conditioning is damaged, the virus is likely to spread easily.

Although it is difficult to judge a building’s ventilation system just by walking in, an open window is a good sign that fresh air is entering the room. A restaurant without windows at all may be worthy of concern.

The restaurant looks crowded
Large crowds were the hallmark of restaurants in pre-pandemic times. But now, it’s better if we choose to eat in an empty room.

Some restaurants have physical barriers to keep distance between seated diners. However, there is still the possibility of being crammed into the waiting room or toilet. Restaurants operating at a lower capacity minimize that risk.

Not feeling well
If you have Covid-19 symptoms, you should avoid public places and get tested as soon as possible. The symptoms of Covid-19 can vary widely, so anything from diarrhea to headaches is worth paying attention to.

Are over 50 years of age or have a disease
Elderly people are very vulnerable to contracting Covid-19 and experience severe illness. However, the age limit above 50 years is not certain.

Underlying health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and lung disease can also increase a person’s risk of becoming seriously ill. One must be careful when dealing with events that are not important if they fall into this category.

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