The Heritage Foundation, a conservative US organization, is requesting that Prince Harry’s immigration files be declassified, due to the revelations about drug use made in his recent book “Spare”. Under US immigration law, evidence of drug use is a reason to deny an application.
For this reason, the conservative organization filed a lawsuit against the US government under the protection of the Freedom of Information Act. “Continued extensive media coverage has brought to light the question of whether DHS (Department of Homeland Security) properly admitted the Duke of Sussex in light of the fact that he has publicly admitted to a series of criminal offences. drugs both in the United States and abroad,” the lawsuit states.
On Tuesday, June 6 at 2:30 pm, the hearing will take place in the DC federal court and the press will be able to attend.
2023-06-03 03:11:27
#Prince #Harry #risk #losing #visa #KSDY