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Consequences of corona vaccinations? Group particularly affected by myocarditis

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A new study examines the long-term effects of corona vaccinations. The result: One group in particular could be affected.

Kassel – Corona vaccinations have been approved in the EU since December 2020 and have proven to be crucial in the fight against the pandemic. They have protected numerous people from serious illnesses and continue to do so. However, the RKI only recommends corona vaccinations for certain groups of people.

The mRNA vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna were used primarily. Their rapid development enabled rapid mass production. Nevertheless, some experts expressed concerns early on that potential long-term effects had not been adequately studied.

Scientists have now investigated the long-term effects of corona vaccinations, particularly with regard to vaccinations that cause myocarditis.

According to a study, the long-term effects of corona vaccinations can include heart scarring © IMAGO/Zoonar.com/Kasper Ravlo

Possible heart scarring due to vaccination: mainly young men affected

Die Study focused on the long-term consequences of inflammation of the heart muscle caused by the vaccination, also known as vaccine-associated myocarditis (VAM). The researchers found that young men aged 14 to 30 were particularly affected. An excessive immune reaction to the mRNA vaccines could play a role.

The data of people under 30 who developed myocarditis after vaccination were analyzed. The researchers examined clinical biomarkers and focused in particular on troponin levels, which provide evidence of heart damage. CMR scans were used to detect heart injuries and scarring. Troponin T, a protein from heart muscle cells, is released when heart muscle cells are destroyed, for example during a heart attack.

It is considered a reliable indicator of heart muscle damage. The value rises about three hours after a heart attack, reaches a maximum after 24 hours and falls back to normal within 10 to 14 days, according to the Professional Association of German Internists (BDI).

Caution advised: These are the symptoms of heart muscle disease

The study results show that about 72 percent of those affected had scarring or fluid accumulation in the heart muscle. This was often associated with symptoms such as chest pain, heart palpitations and shortness of breath.

There is no single, specific and reliable main symptom, according to the Heart Foundation. Often the first signs are perceived as general symptoms of infection and are not associated with the heart. One should be alert if symptoms such as fever, dizziness, muscle pain or diarrhea persist or recur after the infection has subsided. Typical symptoms can be:

Typical symptoms of myocarditis can be:

  • Shortness of breath during exertion
  • Heart palpitations
  • Heart palpitations, also known as arrhythmia
  • Heart pain
  • inexplicable tiredness and fatigue
  • physical weakness

Since the symptoms are often non-specific, diagnosis is difficult, especially in mild cases. To clarify the suspicion, the doctor first uses ECG, X-rays and echocardiography. In the further course of the disease, magnetic resonance imaging of the heart (cMRI) and blood tests play an important role. The troponin level in particular provides a decisive indication of myocarditis.

Late effects of corona vaccinations: Long-term monitoring of those affected is important

The scientists emphasize the importance of long-term medical monitoring of those affected in order to detect possible effects on heart health. Although the risk is considered to be low, the results raise questions about the potential long-term effects of the corona vaccinations.

Sea herzstiftung.de However, infection with the coronavirus itself can also damage the heart and in some cases lead to myocarditis. Overall, the number of cases has increased during the pandemic: before Corona, there were eight cases per 100,000 people; during the pandemic, this figure rose to 150 to 160 cases per 100,000 people.

However, the risk of developing myocarditis from a vaccination is lower.

Danger even in mild cases: Further studies needed

The researchers point out that this is a retrospective study based mainly on data from patients with severe myocarditis. However, scarring was also found in milder cases. Further studies are needed to confirm the results and clarify the exact causes.

The researchers also found that 95 percent of adolescent VAM patients had received the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, while five percent had received the Moderna vaccine. Corona infections also increase the risk of several diseases.

However, it should be emphasized that infection with the coronavirus itself can also have serious long-term consequences, such as Long Covid. Such long-term consequences, such as intestinal damage, occur in many Covid-19 patients.

What is mycarditis

Myocarditis is an inflammatory disease of the heart muscle in which viruses usually attack the myocardium, the layer of heart muscle tissue located between the endocardium (the inner lining of the heart) and the epicardium (outer lining of the heart). attack and destroy the muscle tissue. The process can affect the heart muscle locally or the entire heart muscle. The immune system can achieve healing in many cases, but sometimes it can itself contribute to tissue damage. The exact reason for this reaction is not yet fully understood.

The course and prognosis of myocarditis are difficult to predict because the type, extent and duration of the inflammation vary from person to person. Pollutants or certain medications can also activate the immune system and trigger inflammation.

The disease often occurs without typical symptoms – this often makes it difficult for doctors to detect it. With consistent physical rest, the chances are good that myocarditis will heal without further consequences. Otherwise, there is a risk that it will trigger heart failure or cardiac arrhythmia and, in the worst case, lead to sudden cardiac death, according to the German Center for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK).

But the virus itself is also dangerous for the heart. According to herzmedizin.de, the numbers have increased overall due to the pandemic: before the appearance of the corona virus, eight people out of 100,000 developed myocarditis; during the corona period, this figure increased to 150 to 160 cases per 100,000 people. Nevertheless, heart disease as part of a Covid-19 infection is rare.

The coronavirus is constantly mutating. However, a recent research paper may have found an important key to combating new virus variants. The virus’s “Achilles heel” may have been discovered.

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