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Consequences of 9/11: thousands more died after the attack in New York

On September 11, 2001, two planes crashed into the Twin Towers, but death did not go away in the years that followed – many people died from poisonous fumes, others still suffer from various diseases.

The whole world saw the horrific footage of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001: the two planes crashing into the skyscrapers, which soon after collapsed. Scenes of chaos, destruction, casualties and wounded, confused people follow, wandering among the ruins and searching for the missing. Many of those 100,000 helpers after 9/11 are still suffering from the experience. And from what they inhaled then, says doctor Michael Crane. “Because the rescue teams entered the ruins with virtually no safety equipment. There were clouds of very intense fumes everywhere,” said the doctor.

Asbestos, glass fibers, dioxins, lead, sulfuric acid … No one knows exactly the proportion of poisons in those one million tons of debris and dust on the streets of New York. But everyone sees the consequences: many first complain of cough, shortness of breath and chest pain. And then from severe mental injuries. Today, it is believed that the poisons that arose after the tragedy in New York have caused 68 different types of cancer. Michael Crane calls it a “burning cocktail of various poisons” and explains that this cocktail can cause various diseases, including many years later.

People who will have symptoms for the rest of their lives

Dr. Crane is the Deputy Director of the World Trade Center Program. About 80,000 people are involved in this program, who in the days and weeks after the terrorist attacks worked in the field in rescue operations and clearing. These people undergo regular and detailed medical examinations and are subject to special medical supervision. These are mostly chronically ill, Crane explains. “People who will have symptoms for the rest of their lives.” Under the program, many of them receive at least medical care and some relief. There are also a lot of cancer patients. Alas, some of these patients will die prematurely and this is a real tragedy, the doctor admits.

Estimates show that the recent effects have killed almost as many people as the attacks themselves. John Phil was one of the rescuers on the day of the attack. He also helped clean up afterwards. Sam narrowly escaped death after debris from the building collapsed on him. He has already attended 187 9/11 funerals, says John Phil. Most people think that only terrorists have killed these innocent people, he said. And he added bitterly, “But thousands more died after that because our government failed.”

“You ignore these people!”

He himself fought for a long time, until he was recognized as a victim of the attacks. He then founded a fund to help helpers and rescuers, which is putting pressure on Washington to continue to provide money for relief funds. The campaign even includes stars such as former TV presenter John Stewart, who went down in history with his emotional and angry words to the US Congress: “You ignore these people. Your indifference takes away the last thing they had: time. They’re done a work of courage, dignity and modesty. Now it’s your turn! “

Congressmen followed that call and extended the medical program and compensation funds until 2092. According to Michael Crane, this is correct. These people must be sure that their medical care will not be discontinued. Because their suffering continues – for 20 years after the terrorist attacks.

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