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Conor McGregor – The Michael Bisping Theory “You Must Have This Belief In Yourself”

UFC – In conflict with Conor McGregor recently, Michael Bisping has spoken out about the Irishman’s case.

Since his second loss to Dustin Poirier, Conor McGregor is extremely active on social networks! Beyond his rivals in the UFC, the Notorious has attacked UFC commentators in particular Daniel Cormier and Michael Bisping.

English, represented by the same management agency as the Irishman, reconsidered the recent actions of lightweight. He has his theory on Conor McGregor’s actions: “As athletes, we have to have this self-confidence that borders on delirium. I guess I had this. I know for a fact that when I was fighting, I always proclaimed that I was going to be champion one day. I know not everyone agreed with that, quite the contrary. “

“People thought I was delusional. But you have to have that. You must have this belief in yourself. If you don’t have it, you probably won’t get very far as an athlete. “


“Every time I lost I was realistic, but I would always say ‘well if I did that differently I know I could beat him’ or ‘this is what went wrong in training camp. , I was training too much, my weight loss went wrong. Overall, what are these things? These are excuses. “

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“You make up excuses as to why you should have beaten the guy. Right now, Conor has the perfect excuse – ‘I broke his leg… I know for a fact that in the second round I would have come back and beat him’ – and he doesn’t just say that, he does. believes. He must spread this story to the whole world. […] It is the competitive nature of human beings, certainly of athletes. That’s why it borders on delirium, but I had this myself. You must have this. “

Bisping adds, “You have to think about it. He came to the UFC, had this crazy streak, beat everyone, became a champion, then became the two-time champion, made tons of money, got worldwide fame, everything in between. But now everything is still there, the money is still there, the fame is still there, but the only thing that is not there is winning against your opponents. The Conor I knew, he was proud of it. “

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