Home » today » World » Coni, FdI and FI against Malagò’s reconfirmation: “Normal turnover, he will have another leading role”. Pd and Renzi attack the government

Coni, FdI and FI against Malagò’s reconfirmation: “Normal turnover, he will have another leading role”. Pd and Renzi attack the government

John Malago he will not be reappointed to the top of CONI for a fourth term: this is what Fratelli d’Italia and Forza Italia say, leaving little room for the hypothesis of a derogation from the three-term limit to guarantee continuity at the helm of the Committee in view of the Milan-Cortina Winter Olympics.

About the story, told by Republicthus ignites the debate between the parties. Here is the position of FdI: “Malagò has demonstrated his skills and professionalism over the years, most recently covering the important role of leadership of Coni. His change, as required by law, falls within the scope of the normal turnover of top management that will also concern the sports federations themselves. Whatever his role, I am convinced that he will confirm his skills in other places as well. My hope is that Malagò can continue to play a leading role in the world of Italian sport”, says the Melonian senator Paul Marcheschithe party’s sports manager, contacted by The Press.

And also Paul Barellileader of the Forza Italia group in the Chamber and president of the Swimming Federation, when asked if the Olympic successes pave the way for Malagò’s renewal, gives an unequivocal answer in attributing the credit: “The successes are attributable first of all to the sports clubs that have trained and coached the athletes, to the federations that with their technical staff have organized the athletes’ participation in international activities by making available the best conditions for preparation. The Coni – he underlines – has the merit and the honor of representing at the Olympic venue the national federations that have been protagonists of important successes for the image of our country”.

The Democrat criticizes the line of the majority parties Mauro Berrutowho underlines how Barelli himself obtained an exemption from the limit of mandates: “A rule on the limit of mandates is a duty and sacrosanct but must apply to everyone. The moment someone makes a counter rule that eliminates that limit, this political fact highlights that that rule, wanted by Forza Italia whose group leader in the Chamber is Paolo Barelli, is a rule that has in its subtext the name of who can use it and the name of who cannot use it and therefore responds to an evident principle of open conflict, which someone who has the possibility of sitting in Parliament exercises”.

Matthew Renzi, leader of Italia Viva, in proposing Florence’s candidacy to host the 2040 Olympics, declares: “We must prevent the brothers-in-law government from trying to get its hands on Coni too. Sport is and must remain independent”.

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– 2024-08-12 18:21:56

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