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Congressman Calls on Trump Administration to “Denounce” the Polisario and Take a Strong Position on the Sahara

By Le360 (with MAP) 6/29/2020 at 9:26 a.m.

Paul Gosar, Republican, is a member of the Control and Reform subcommittee of the US House of Representatives.

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Congressman Paul Gosar, Republican, called on the Trump administration to denounce the polisario who “espouses a Marxist ideology”, and to take a firm stand to end the artificial dispute over the Moroccan Sahara .

Invited yesterday, Sunday, of the Medi1 TV show “With Morocco from Washington”, Paul Gosar indicated that “President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo must denounce the polisario who espouses a Marxist ideology, and then other reactions will follow “, adding that on this dossier” you cannot remain neutral “.

In this context, the Republican representative of Arizona, who has been a member of Congress since 2011, gave the example of Washington’s policy towards Iran, noting that the American administration “stopped the flow of funds to Tehran and imposed a trade embargo that has damaged the Iranian economy. “

“In this same logic, speaking must go hand in hand with action on the ground. We must guarantee accountability,” he said. Questioned by the host of the program, the former ambassador and spokesperson for the State Department, Adam Ereli, on the partnership between Morocco and the United States, Paul Gosar underlined that the Kingdom “is part of best countries in the implementation of this program, which constitutes a pillar of diplomatic relations, through its contribution to peace and stability. “

Morocco is among the countries with which the United States maintains excellent relations in the area of ​​security cooperation, he continued, noting that the Kingdom is “extremely active in the fight against terrorism and against extremist ideologies alongside the promotion of the values ​​of religious tolerance “.

In this regard, the American representative referred to the joint work that Morocco and the United States are carrying out on the front line in the fight against extremism, through a number of international mechanisms such as the fight against terrorism in sub-Saharan Africa. , the Global Counterterrorism Forum and the Global Coalition against Daesh, highlighting the two countries’ desire to further consolidate this cooperation.

The member of the Control and Reform sub-committee in the US House of Representatives pointed out that Morocco, “by virtue of its centuries-old history and its strategic position, is an essential partner for the United States”.

By Le360 (with MAP)

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