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Congress: The ‘count’ of the creation of new districts

This Wednesday, starting at 9:00 am, the Plenary of the Congress will have a marathon session and, by agreement of the Board of Spokespersons, the priority agenda includes a combo of bills and opinions on the creation of 26 new districtsAlthough the texts, in practical terms, are not very useful because they are only declarative in nature.

The texts have the same legislative formula: “Declare of national interest and public necessity the creation of the district (…) ”That is, after all an internal procedure and the issuance of an opinion from the Decentralization Commission of the Congress, the texts can be approved by the Plenary, but they are only declarative. They do not guarantee, at all, the creation of a district.

As you knew The RepublicOf these 26 projects that are on the agenda, the Decentralization Commission has prioritized at least 18. And of this number, 12 are projects that already have an opinion. Meanwhile, the other six have already been approved by the Plenary, but the Executive Power observed them. Today the Congress will go by the insistence.

Now, of the 12 projects with an opinion, five are authored by no less than the congressman for Popular Action Kenyon Durand Bustamante. He is perhaps the most enthusiastic parliamentarian on the issue, since he proposes declaring the creation of five new districts in Huancavelica of interest: Añancusi, Chanquil, Huanaspampa, Carhuapa and Tinquerccasa Chopcca. (In two cases, there are similar projects authored by Irrhoscopt Chagua Payano, from UPP).

The projects were processed between July and October of this year and already have an opinion. Its eventual approval in plenary, however, should not generate any enthusiasm, because it is only about declarative norms. Nothing ensures that the districts will be created in the future.

The other declarative projects on seven other proposals for new districts are authored by Grimaldo Vasquez Tan (Democratic Decentralization), Lusmila Pérez Espíritu (APP), Johan Flores Villegas (Podemos Peru) and Liliana Pinedo Achaca (Popular Force). Two texts by former Fujimori congressmen Miguel Castro Grandes and Marvin Palma Mendoza are added.

Six projects per insistence

Now, there are six declarative texts that have already been approved by Parliament, but the Executive has observed them. Even so, the Plenary will go today for the insistence. Even the Decentralization Commission, which President Grimaldo Vásquez Tan, has already approved the insistence opinions.

These texts have as authors the legislators Yessy Fabián Díaz (Popular Action), Miguel Vivanco (Popular Force), Lenin Bazan (Wide Front), Gilmer Trujillo (Popular Force), Lusmila Pérez Espíritu (APP). Again, in this group there are two declarative laws of authorship of former Fujimori parliamentarians Miguel Castro Grandes, Nelly Cuadros and Alejandra Aramayo.

Texts without opinion

In addition to the 18 projects, there are five scheduled projects that do not even have an opinion. The authors are Lenin Checco (Frente Amplio), Lusmila Pérez (APP) and former legislators Dalmiro Palomino and Jorge Meléndez Celis. These would not be prioritized by the Plenary, given the busy schedule and the absence of an opinion.

Question of competences

Sources consulted from the Directorate of Territorial Demarcation of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM) informed the Republic that Law 27795 (Law of Demarcation and Territorial Organization), specified that Congress does not have the power to create districts.

For this reason, they stressed that the norms they approve this Wednesday are only declarative and, at best, could serve to arouse certain public interest, without guaranteeing that such districts can be created in the future.

They specified that Law 27795 establishes that the creation of districts is the responsibility of regional governments. Exceptionally, the creation of new districts can be promoted through declarative norms of national interest from the PCM, but the initiative must necessarily arise from this instance.

In the combo of the 26 projects scheduled for today, all are authored by Congress and not by the PCM, which is why, after their approval, they will not have greater relevance in terms of implementation.

This is the list of declarative projects included in the agenda for the plenary session this Wednesday:

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