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Congress LIVE TODAY Plenary of Congress debates the return of ONP and motion to question Minister María Antonieta Alva | Latest news | Politics

Congress LIVE debates ONP law

19:08 Second Vice President of Congress announces that the plenary session is suspended for 15 minutes. Previously, the arrival of the prime minister, Walter Martos, along with the ministers Antonieta Alva (Economy) and Ana Neyra (Justice) to meet with Manuel Merino, President of the Legislative.

18:37 Luis Valdez, who starts the plenary session at this time, sends to the intermediate quarter for a period of 10 minutes.

18:32 Edgar Alarcón, president of the Oversight Commission, presents the opinion of his working group that approves that candidates for popularly elected positions present their sworn declaration of interest before the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic

18:20 With 78 in favor, 45 against and 2 abstentions; They approve a preliminary question for the project that declares the tourism sector to be in a national emergency situation, to return to the Foreign Trade and Tourism Commission.

18:06 Edwar Zárate, president of the Foreign Trade Commission, takes the floor and clarifies that the vote is for the PL to return to its working group, not the Economy one.

18:04 They vote a previous question so that the bill returns to the Economic Commission.

17:50 Diethell Columbus warns that the text did not go through the Foreign Trade and Tourism Commission.

17:33 Anthony Novoa supports the legal initiative to declare the tourism sector a national emergency. (PL 5525).

17:29 With 121 votes in favor, 0 against and 5 abstentions; the opinion of the Commission for the Defense of the Consumer of the hoarding, speculation and adulteration law.

17:20 Voting begins at the insistence of the hoarding, speculation and adulteration law. The signing of the law was observed by President Martín Vizcarra.

16:47 Jose Luna Morales, president of the Consumer Defense Commission, supports the approval at the insistence of the hoarding, speculation and adulteration law.

16:45 The plenary session is resumed. The congresswoman Martha Chavez ask for a minute of silence for the death of Jorge Gumucio Granier, who was Peru’s ambassador to Bolivia and hostage during the MRTA seizure of the Japanese embassy.

13:20 They suspend a virtual plenary session until 4 in the afternoon.

12:30 Plenary session of Parliament Motion 11597, which proposes to form an Investigative Commission for a period of ninety days to establish the actual number of deaths due to the COVID-19.

11:45 Plenary approves motion 11072, which proposes to grant Investigative Commission powers to the Consumer Defense Commission to investigate, up to one hundred and eighty days, all regulatory bodies.

11:25 Plenary approves form a special multiparty investigative commission in charge of investigating the alleged commission of crimes in the construction sector that would involve senior State officials.

11:00 Motion 11452, by Congressman Aliaga Pajares, is put to the vote to create a special multiparty investigative commission in charge of investigating the alleged commission of crimes in the construction sector that would involve high-ranking State officials since 1990.

10:50 President of the Congress, Manuel Merino, announces that this Friday the interpellation motion presented against the Minister of Economy and Finance will be seen, Marie Antoinette Alva, which was already scheduled in the plenary session on August 7. “In the next session the admission of the interpellation motion will be consulted,” he said.

10:45 The plenary session of Congress of the republic of this Friday, August 21.

10:40 There is a minute’s silence for the death of former Fuerza Popular congressman, Moisés Mamani.

Previous note

The plenary session of Congress of the republic will debate from 10.00 am on Friday 21 the bill approved in the Consumer Defense Commission looking for the 100% refund of contributions to Social Security Normalization Office (ONP) for those who have not made deposits in the last 12 months.

The Board of Speakers of Parliament agreed on August 7, the exoneration of this opinion of the Budget, Labor, and Justice committees, as well as the exemption of the publication period on the Congress website.

This PL also determines that those active contributors withdraw up to 1 UIT, that is, up to 4,300 soles. While the retirees of the ONP of the 19990 regime they will be able to obtain an extraordinary bonus of 2,000 soles.

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Also, the Parliament It will also see the second vote on the law that states that those sentenced in the first instance for malicious crimes cannot run for public office in the next elections.

This, after the approval of the law of transitional regulations for the 2021 elections in the last plenary session and the interpellation to the Minister of Education, Martin Benavides, Thursday, August 13.

Indeed, according to the agenda of the Parliament includes debating the constitutional reform that incorporates Article 34-A and 39-A of the bills presented by seven banks (including two of the Congress dissolved) to see this opinion within the Political Constitution of Peru.

It should be remembered that the opinion of the Constitution Commission was approved in first vote during a virtual session on July 5 with 111 votes in favor, 14 against and no abstention.

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Congress will see a motion to interpellate Minister Alva

Maria Antonieta Alva is the Minister of Economy and Finance since October 2019. Photo: La República.

He Legislative will debate this Friday the interpellation process against the Minister of Economy and Finance, Marie Antoinette Alva, which was already scheduled in the plenary session on August 7.

This request was made by the groups Union for Peru, We can Peru and Wide Front, with the aim that the holder of the MEF respond “on the results of the economic containment and reactivation measures implemented in the framework of the pandemic by the COVID-19″.

This motion to challenge Alva It was presented on June 25, days before the country begins “the new coexistence” after the lifting of the mandatory social isolation measure in most regions.

The parliamentarians included 32 questions that, if supported by the Plenary, would be answered by the member of the ministerial cabinet.

For its part, Alva ruled on a possible censorship of the Congress as a result of the motion of interpellation against him.

“I do not want to speculate about censorship, but if that happens I have the peace of mind of having left everything and something that happens later, in the ministry there is a very solid team that will be fighting (sic)”, he mentioned in conversation with RPP last July.

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UPP spokesperson: “We do not rule out the censorship of Minister Alva”

Union for Peru does not rule out censorship against the Minister of Economy, María Antonieta Alva. Composition: Gerson Cardoso / La República.

For his part, the spokesperson for Union for Peru, Jose Vega, communicated that they will first hear the responses of Maria Alva on the economic reactivation of Mypes in Peru, as well as “facts that represent a clear conflict of interest.”

“If we see that the management (of the minister Marie Antoinette Alva) is wrong and the answers we have in her interpellation do not satisfy us, so we do not rule out censuring her. We hope to hear from you to make a decision ”, he told The Republic.

Jose Vega, likewise, communicated that the intention of UP is that Parliament includes the motion of interpellation against Alva this Friday and then schedule the invitation to question her at the next plenary session.

“We consider that on Friday reading will be taken and then we will coordinate with the president (Manuel Merino) and with the Board of Directors to see the date for when they will be invited ”, the legislator said.

On the other hand, the spokesmen of We can Peru (Daniel Urresti) and Frente Amplio (Lenin Checco) they agreed to question Minister Alva. However, both congressmen clarified that they are not trying to censor it due to the context the country is experiencing after the arrival of the coronavirus.

Another issue that the plenary session of the Legislative It will be the insistence of the law of speculation, hoarding and adulteration, which was observed by the President of the Republic, Martin Vizcarra.

In the same way, opinions regarding the sectors of: Consumer Defense, Social Inclusion, Labor, Culture, Economy, Education, Science, Justice, Transportation, Housing, among others, will be seen.

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