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Congress approves a PR to speed up the incorporation of innovation in metastatic cancer into the SNS

In the framework of State of the Nation Debatethe Congress of Deputies has approved a total of 40 resolution proposals of the 138 that were registered by the parliamentary groups. Among them are some of vital importance in the field of health, such as the one that requested the registration in the National Health System (SNS) of the medicines authorized by the European Union for the treatment of metastatic cancerof JuntsxCat.

Defended by the deputy of the Plural Group, Miriam Nogueras, it has received unanimous support, with the exception of the Socialist Group, for a total of 216 votes in favor, 115 votes against and one abstention.

The parliamentarian from Junts has thus echoed “an issue that challenges us all”, as she has dimensioned. “Every year thousands of people die from cancer with metastases and we are not doing everything in our power. We present this PR because helping in this matter is in our hands”, she argued.

In this sense, he has reminded the Lower House that “there are innovative therapies that save lives or that buy a little time” which sometimes do not arrive or arrive late while waiting for national approval. “The Spanish State takes an average of 500 days, despite the fact that European legislation determines that the maximum term is six months. In Germany, for example, the average term is 120 days”, she pointed out.

“There are innovative therapies that save lives or that buy a little time”

Miriam Noguerasdeputy for JuntxCat in Congress

According to Nogueras, this situation is “especially desperate” for thousands of women who suffer mom cancer. “I know that some of them are following this debate with great interest: we send them a big hug and a lot of strength from here,” he added during his speaking time, where he also expressed his confidence in receiving the support of Congress for the demands of the proposal.

Specific points of the RP

The initiative of the Catalan party requested in its text, specifically, “speed up authorization deadlines and incorporation into the SNS of medicines authorized by the EU, to treat metastatic cancer”. This petitum urged not to exceed “the period of 180 days established by law, immediately incorporating the drugs that have exceeded that period.”

In addition, it was committed to establishing, as a matter of urgency, clear and transparent regulatory criteria that clarify payment decisions in the case of access to “compassionate use” medicines for special medical situations.

Ultimately, it extended as a demand the promotion of joint purchasing by the European Union of innovative drugs for the treatment of metastatic cancer, with the aim of achieving more affordable prices for the health systems of the Member States.

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