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“Congratulations, I’ve been told you’re going like a rocket”: Juan José Millás sends a dig at ‘El Hormiguero’ in ‘La Revuelta’

Juan Jose Millas in ‘The Revolt’ (RTVE)

Much more festive than usual, the public chanted “civil servant” for David Broncano, to the great joy of his collaborators. Last Tuesday, Spanish television woke up to the surprise of La Revuelta overtaking El Hormiguero in audiences on its second day of broadcast. Thus, snatching from them the throne of the most watched programme of the day, which they had held for years.

“It was the most watched programme of the day on Spanish television” Broncano began by saying. After starting with Jorge Ponce’s section, the presenter wanted to go directly to the interview with his guests. To do so, he welcomed Juan Luis Arsuaga and Juan José Millás, who last Thursday published La vida contada por un sapiens a un neandertal.

However, the Cadena Ser presenter could not help but take a dig at his great rival, Pablo Motos: “Congratulations, because they told me that you are going like motorcycles.” With them, the presenter has taken the opportunity to draw the attention of the only segment of the country’s audience that they have not reached, that of women over 65 years of age.

Upon arrival, they gave him a jar full of brain and eye candy, in honor of his book. And the writers explained that for them, the most important thing is that the public understands “the relationship between sapiens and Neanderthals. But I would be satisfied if people understood how important emergentism is, that consciousness is one of the most complex systems.”

Juan Luis Arsuaga has a PhD in Biological Sciences and is a professor of Paleoanthropology at the Complutense University of Madrid. He thanked Broncano for the opportunity he had given him to attend the programme at the beginning of the course: “This interview is very useful for me because I am starting the course with the students. Last year the interview was halfway through the course and my students told me that they had discovered that I was an important person. This year, I started the course this week and right now, live and in real time, my students are discovering that the professor who explains Human Evolution to them is famous.”

David Broncano in ‘The Revolt’ (RTVE)

In this way, the Jaen-based programme completes the third programme of its audience battle against El Hormiguero. The first programme reflected a surprising 17% compared to the unstoppable 23%; however, it seems that Pablo Motos’ programme is losing part of its target and last night it surprised with La 1 overtaking the absolute leadership of Antena 3 with a figure of 1.3% of audience share.

However, this struggle could grow with the cancellation this Wednesday of Babylon Show, the prime time access programme by Carlos Latre on Telecinco which began on 26 August and after achieving just over 3% of the share on Tuesday, the channel has decided to cancel. Therefore, it remains to be seen whether the company manages to recover its audience or is absorbed by Antena 3 or La 1.

Myths and truths about David Broncano’s signing for TVE: from the cost of the contract to the audience target of ‘La Resistencia’.

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