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Congo-Brazzaville: COVID-19 – Olivier Doumou talks about the live of the international music festival

After the successful June 21 live at the National Radio and Television Center (CNRTV) on the occasion of the celebration of International Music Day, its organizer, Olivier Doumou of the Label “Doumoussion Events”, told Brazzaville made sense of this live and announced the upcoming projects as part of the campaign against the coronavirus.

For Olivier Doumou, this live concert follows the call of the Head of State, Denis Sassou N’Guesso, of March 14 to raise awareness of covid-19 which is ravaging the world. As a cultural operator, he thought of supporting the government in this process.

He did it around a song bringing together a panel of artists, “Collectif Stop Coronavirus 242”, this to get a message across, raise awareness of the covid-19 population through their voices and images.

At the end of this song which was appreciated both internationally and in Brazzaville, Olivier Doumou thought that it was not necessary to stop there, from where he planned to organize a live awareness coronavirus.

Scheduled for the month of June, he preferred to kill two birds with one stone by associating it with the international music festival, on June 21. “We have tried to make the population understand that the music festival is here, we are going to celebrate but without an audience, given the times that are running.

The goal is to educate the population and, first of all, the fans of these artists. Each artist has sent a message to raise awareness of the pandemic among our people, because most Congolese have the impression that this pandemic is not real.

It was therefore necessary to challenge the population by saying “Pay attention”, through this live which was a hit and which was subsequently rebroadcast on several international channels, “said Olivier Doumou.

So from the house, the population could follow the music festival through television. And in addition to the musicians, the promoter of the “Doumoussion Events and 4 paths” label contacted the Ministry of Health and Population, as well as the Covid-19 commission, to join his team in order to say the words. that was necessary so that the population could pay attention to the barrier gestures.

“So it was for us a relay of information on raising awareness of the message that has been going on for a very long time.

So we fought with our own means to get there. We have launched requests for support, there has not yet been a return, both from state and private institutions, but we continue to wait, on the understanding that they have seen how the event went ”, he indicated

In total, there were sixteen groups and artists, namely Casimir Zoba Zao, Djoson philosopher, Kevin Mbouandé, Fanie Fayar, Shéryl Gambo, Liz, 100% Setho et son Impression des AS, Extra musica Nouvel horizon, Les Jeunes A6 and Benji, Fabregas, Barbara Kanan (who performed by videoconference). All of these artists spread awareness messages.

This live, thought its organizer, gave pleasant moments to all those who were at home. He made us forget the stress of everyday life, because it was necessary to make the population travel through music.

This pandemic, he said, Olivier Doumou, also showed that culture was important and had its place during this period of confinement.

Most people have locked themselves in, but culture has been a major factor where people have to watch TV, watch movies, theaters, read, listen to music every day.

“We did not want to stop like that, we wanted on the other side also to show that cultural is very important in a country where we are not always put forward.

This is how my label and I made this decision to support the government in its approach and to show that we do not neglect the cultural, “he said.

For Olivier Doumou, the pandemic does not only concern politicians, deputies, as very often people think. This is how, as a cultural operator and producer, he wants to highlight cultural issues.

To do this, after the live concert, he thought through the third act to go, with the collective of artists who sang the song Covid-19, in a neighborhood, raise awareness and make a gesture. “I hope that this chain of solidarity will follow and that the public authorities will come to our aid, so that we reach the end of our objectives.

I call on everyone to support us for this civic initiative, this chain of solidarity where the Congolese must help the Congolese, by the following contact 00242 056318888 ”, he concluded.

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