The first message was that he would make his place on the candidate list available. The press officer of FvD, however, denied that with great certainty in the evening, only to turn around like a leaf on a tree an hour later. It almost looked like a kind of Freek pinball machine.
The latest news about Jansen’s position came late last night from Lennart van der Linden, the vice-chairman of the party board, also FvD senator. According to him, Jansen has really indicated that he will give up his place on the candidate list. He emphasized that officially the members of Forum still have to decide on this. This will take place at a general members meeting that has yet to be scheduled.
Jansen is under fire because of the commotion about Nazi sympathies in the JFvD, the youth section of the Forum. He is the chairman of JFvD and therefore bears responsibility for it.
Lunch Update
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