Home » today » Business » Confusion and Chaos .. Twitter Returns Some Employees Who Were Fired By Mistake | technology

Confusion and Chaos .. Twitter Returns Some Employees Who Were Fired By Mistake | technology

After Twitter fired nearly half of its employees last Friday, after Elon Musk acquired it for $ 44 billion, Reuters news agency (Reuters) approx a report Bloomberg reported that the company is now communicating with dozens of employees it has fired and asking them to return.

The report says that some of those who have been asked to return have been dismissed by mistake. He said – citing people familiar with removals – that some employees were fired before management realized their work and experience may be needed to build the new features Musk envisioned.

Yoel Roth, the company’s head of safety and integrity, said in a tweet earlier this week that Twitter recently fired 50% of its employees, including employees from the Trust and Safety team.

Tweets from Twitter employees said teams responsible for communications, content regulation, human rights, and machine learning ethics were among those fired, as were some production and engineering teams.

On Saturday, Twitter updated its app in the Apple App Store to begin charging $ 8 for the required blue ticks, in Elon Musk’s first big change to the social media platform.

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