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confusion after equating rapid tests to molecular tests! The urgent request from family doctors

We receive and publish the letter signed by Dr. Antonio Santangelo regional secretary FIMMG (Italian Federation of General Practitioners) addressed toCouncilor Rocco Leone and the Director General of the Health Department e policies of the person where the urgent convocation of the regional CTS to discuss the new rules on quarantine and isolation together with redefinition of the methods for tracing the contacts of positive Covid patients:

“Dr. Rocco LEONE
Councilor for Health and Personal Policies
Basilicata Region
Dr. Domenico TRIPALDI
Director General of the Department of Health and Human Policies
Basilicata Region
Dr. Luigi D’ANGOLA
Health director
ASP Power
Prot. 03/2022
Dr. Michele LABIANCA
Basilicata Region

Subject: issues related to rapid tampons, COVID platform and healing certificates.

With the present it is brought to the attention of the SS.VV. of the problems that are emerging after the press release of President BARDI regarding theequivalence of rapid antigen tests (also second generation) to molecular tests also for the purpose of terminating the isolation and quarantine of citizens.

Numerous citizens with quick antigenic swabs (positive and negative) mostly made at the turn of the year they are referred to their family doctors to record the outcome on the COVID platform and therefore can then be eventually declared cured.

In addition to this task, the patient is also told that he is the attending physician to have to free the patient, all this comes both from internal sources of the Prevention Department of the ASP and from the USCO (of Potenza city).

At this point it is appropriate for him to come shortly called a technical meeting to decide the route towards which to direct the entire contact tracing system and above all that it is clarified with official documents of the region procedure for declaring the isolation and / or quarantine status of a positive person and / or close contact.

It appears to us for example that in the event that we ask for a molecular swab of a rapid-positive subject automatically the quarantine is also opened, what doesn’t happen when the subject with a positive molecular swab is loaded by regional hospitals or by affiliated private structures.

Furthermore, there is no evidence that the Prevention Department (if not sporadically) has ever given a protocol number for individuals placed in isolation and / or quarantine, protocol number to be included in the certificate of illness that the attending physician transmits to INPS in the foreseen cases.

The need for an urgent technical comparison also arises from the fact that the most pharmacies not logging into the regional COVID platform refer to doctor treating citizens with positive antigenic swab (often even by telephone only), this also happens for some accredited multi-specialized health structures.

Not to mention the screening campaigns carried out by individual municipalities with the request addressed to family doctors and / or to the ASLs for the inclusion of positive subjects in the COVID platform.

Also keep in mind that they go also defined the operating procedures for tracing measures in the school population.

In short, there is a need for one fine-tuning of the organizational machine so that this time the general medicine is not forced to raise the white flag, not in the face of the pandemic but of an increasingly cumbersome bureaucratic machine with too many roosters trying to crow in the chicken coop.

In recent months we have tried to give an optimal response to a pandemic that has left deep traces in our field, we kept the studies open (albeit with the necessary access rules) while most of the public offices closed their doors, we joined the anti-flu vaccination campaign and above all anticovid in mass, sacrificing even the days of rest, we have opened our studies to the tracing of suspects with rapid swabs, we have fed a COVID platform without paying attention to any advantage, always keeping in mind our code of ethics, but we would not want in the face of the shock wave of citizens who do not have answers to their needs, declare a state of agitation with relative consequences on the tightness of the entire system“.


(Court Authorization No. 466)

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