After the confrontation in the studio, the relationship between Massimiliano and Beatrice seems to have changed completely, telling each other everything openly has revolutionized the vision they have of the other. Following the episode, a toast between the two marked the beginning of a new chapter between the two competitors. The rest of the House wonders if it is friendship, if peace, or even love.
Among all, there is Garibaldi who has many doubts, especially towards Massimiliano, who has always been considered his friend. Grecia also thinks there is some strategy, but Giuseppe says he is perhaps also hurt and points to both of them as acting professionals.
Like the others, Alfonso Signorini also wonders what happened. “With Massimiliano, the fact of having left has changed everything and I was waiting for this” Beatrice states and explains and then adds: “With Giuseppe, however, things don’t intersect”.
Massimiliano is asked to express himself on the spontaneity of this rapprochement: “I have always expressed the desire to make peace with Beatrice and I was waiting for the time to be ripe and Giuseppe knew it”. The contestant specifies that he is not flirting with the actress, for him it is important to have the opportunity to get to know the roommate, with immense tranquility.
The host asks Giuseppe his point of view and the competitor states: “I don’t know how much this seeking of each other was desired by both of us”. Although, however, it is the actor who marks the hand. Furthermore, the barman adds that he still misses Beatrice and suffers from it.
Cesara Buonamici points out to Massimiliano that Beatrice had asked for peace several times and that it was always prepared, the actor recognizes that he should have taken the step back, but the actress too, however, says she is happy with this rapprochement.
Giuseppe, Beatrice and Massimiliano are in the Nomination, but among them the one who is most afraid of going out is the young barman. Receiving the Actress Nomination is what hurt him the most. She calls him a favourite, he cries desperately in the swimming pool stating that he felt manipulated and transformed into the person he is not.
What could have been love has turned into something completely different: into anger, into antipathy, into attacks, into drops of poison that one reserves for the other. Garibaldi thinks that
“What does primitive soul mean?” the host asks Beatrice, but Giuseppe answers first and refers to her cultural and provincial origins as an interpretation: “Like Giselda I come from the mountains”. The actress, however, prefers not to respond.
Anita, defined as the meanest competitor, when asked by the host, said that her friend had told him that Beatrice well understands the power she has and that the public’s favor is towards her. This power could have allowed Joseph to be eliminated if only he and she had wanted.
The actress says, however, that the moment had gone differently, she had proposed to the competitor to go to Nomination, if the public had forgiven him, she would have forgiven him too.
The last word remains with Mughini who feels sorry for what happens between the two competitors and hopes that Giuseppe is not the one to leave the House, since justice has not been done to either of them, and that the competitor could needing to make up for his mistakes.
2023-10-30 21:47:49
#Beatrice #Luzzi #Massimiliano #Varrese #Giuseppe #Garibaldi #Big #Brother