Konflikt-Training // Nr. 21-0134
March 8, 2021 / 9:30 – March 9, 2021 / 13:30
Speaker: Bergelt, Tanja, Pastor, community and organizational advisor
Costs: Own contribution € 30.00
Overnight stay, meals, drinks and conference flat rate € 159.50
On behalf of the personnel promotion of the Evangelical Oberkirchenrat Baden
Advanced course to obtain a certificate
Wherever people work together, conflict is inevitable. Different needs and interests clash and people with different temperaments and conflict experiences clash.
As a secretary in the rectory or dean’s office and school dean’s office, you sometimes stand between the parties. Again and again you have to deal with difficult people and conflicted situations. Sometimes you would like to take sides or you are involved in the conflict yourself.
In conflict training you will find outwhat options you have to deal constructively with conflicts in the rectory and administration or to prevent them in advance.