An amendment by the rapporteur blocks the bill on conflict of interest presented with the first signature of the 5S leader Giuseppe Conte. And a political storm breaks out, with the center-left accusing the majority of wanting to undermine the law on the model of what has already happened for the minimum wage and Conte himself accusing the government of “trampling on Parliament”: “We will do everything to avoid this umpteenth massacre”, he writes on X.
The amendment tabled in the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the Chamber provides for a delegation to the government to legislate within 24 months of the entry into force of the proposed law on conflict of interest which, however, only concerns – as stated in the text of the amendment – “the holders of state and regional government positions (but only presidents and councilors, ndr) and the presidents and members of the independent guarantee, supervisory and regulatory authorities”. Therefore, local authorities and parliamentarians are excluded.
Board of directors, contracts, beaches: the hundred parliamentarians in possible conflict of interest. Here are the names
by Giuseppe Colombo and Antonio Fraschilla

Opposition criticism
“They want to cover up everything with the usual ploy of delegating the government itself to legislate on the matter, who knows how and who knows when”, states the M5S group leader in the Constitutional Affairs commission of the Chamber, Alfonso Colucciwhile the vice-president of the M5S group in the Chamber, Vittoria Baldinodenounces “a trademark of the government of Giorgia Meloni, allergic to respect for rules, transparency and social justice”. The Democratic Party also raises its voice, which in addition to the minimum wage recalls the case of the law on out-of-office voting. And he contests a scheme in which the center-right “hinges the proposal, the hearings are held and then, on the eve of the examination in the chamber, they reset the debate with an amendment that delegates the government to intervene on the matter. In this way – the Democratic group leader contests in the constitutional affairs commission of the Chamber, Simona Bonafè – the majority and the government crush the prerogatives of the opposition and debase the role of parliament”. An attitude, that of the right, which Filiberto Zaratti of Avs defines as “cowardly”.
The centre-right’s response
The centre-right claims the need to have more time to implement such complex legislation. The rapporteur of the measure, the FI deputy, underlines this Paolo Emilio Russo. “No dead end” on the provision through the instrument of delegation, he says, claiming that the legislation on non-resident voting was also approved within the elections decree. The centre-right, in an initial phase of examination in the commission, had tried to rewrite the text with a substantial package of amendment proposals. But the harder line then prevailed, even in the face of the impossibility – they say from the centre-right – of dialogue to rewrite a text on an issue on which the visions of the majority and minority are diametrically opposed.
The delegation criteria
According to what is indicated in the amendment which entrusts the delegation to the government, the “powers of supervision, investigation and possible sanction of violations” relating to conflict of interests belong to “the Competition and Market Guarantor Authority (Agcm)”. The “identification of a situation of conflict of interest is envisaged when the subject participates in the adoption of an act or omits the adoption of an act” while finding himself in an “incompatibility situation” because he is a bearer of interests “in public companies or private, in bodies governed by public law, consortia, or special companies” or for “carrying out professional activities or self-employment, in associated or corporate form, consultancy or arbitration, carried out in favor of public or private entities” and provides “a time limit for the removal of such situations”. There is no incompatibility for spouses or close relatives or for party leaders. The delegated decree envisaged to implement the delegation must be sent within two months of approval to the parliamentary commissions responsible for the relevant opinions.
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– 2024-04-05 21:30:25