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confirmed wave of Frost immediately after Christmas and towards New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Eve, updates » ILMETEO.it

Weather: confirmed wave of frost immediately after Christmas and towards New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Eve, updates

Hypothesis wave of frost towards the end of DecemberThe latest updates today confirmed the possibility of a frost wave for the period included between Christmas and New Year’s Eve.

To understand what will happen in the final part of 2022 we must, as usual, broaden our gaze to the entire hemisphere. Well, what emerges is that in the arctic latitudes, between Scandinavia and Russia an impressive was formed freezing lake“, filled with arctic air (very cold) a real one cold tank which could slide towards Europe, thus giving way to waves of frost that, many times, they could also come to invest our country.
The map below clearly shows the extent of this wave of frost that could invade the Old Continent from distant Russian lands.Very cold air masses descending from Russia towards ItalyVery cold air masses descending from Russia towards Italy
At the moment, given the still high time distance, it is only ahypothesis and as such it must be considered, but this being said, for some days now the main long-term international models lean towards this type of setup.

To be evaluated then possible interaction between the freezing cold from the east and the possible arrival of depressions descending from Northern Europe/Atlantic which could give life to a rather unstable period. If we cannot go into the details yet, we can certainly say that one is most likely waiting for us very dynamic and cold phase, with the risk of snowfall up to the plains and on the coasts if low depressions were formed on the Mediterranean Sea.

In the next days we will try to understand if this system will be confirmed or not. Further updates will follow.

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