Home » today » News » Confirmed: Petar Iliev has plagiarized dozens of pages by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Natalia Kiselova – Politics

Confirmed: Petar Iliev has plagiarized dozens of pages by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Natalia Kiselova – Politics

One of the candidates for prime minister of “There are such people“There is such a people” is a political party in Bulgaria, created by the Bulgarian television“, whose name was shared with other political forces on Friday morning, and a previous candidate for Minister of Law – Dr. Petar Iliev – plagiarized dozens of pages from his colleague at Sofia University, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Natalia Kiselova.

This is clear from an investigation by the group “Legal Madness” on social networks, which managed to find Iliev’s book withdrawn from the market and compared it with Kiselova’s dissertation published this year, written back in 2008.

ITN withdrew Petar Iliev’s candidacy for prime minister

In the end, the mandate to form a government on Friday was taken over by Plamen Nikolov – the newest candidate for prime minister of “There are such peopleThere are such people“There is such a people” is a political party in Bulgaria, created by the Bulgarian television“, and in the profile of the party leader Stanislav Trifonov it was announced that this decision was made two weeks ago. It was not clear why ITN then announced the name of Iliev to the other parties – something confirmed by Nikolay Hadjigenov from IBGNI. However, he was and in all likelihood is still the party’s nomination for Minister of Justice.

On Friday, Club Z found out from several independent sources that in addition to the two publications he cites in all his biographies (on the ITN website, on the website of his law firm, on the website of Sofia University), Petar Iliev is also the author of a third book – “The Competence of the National Assembly.” All attempts to find a copy of this book were unsuccessful – it was withdrawn from the market, it was exhausted in the Nova Zvezda publishing house, and the National Library does not have its physical a copy, despite the clear provisions of the Law on the Mandatory Deposit of Printed and Other Works. There is only data about it in the electronic catalog of the national book depository.

However, “Legal Madness”, a popular page on the social network Facebook, apparently driven by law students who maintain their anonymity, has found a copy of the “Competence of the National Assembly”. And finds that in fact as many as 40 pages of it were copied with minimal changes from the “Parliamentary Control” of Dr. Natalia Kiselova.

“During the examination it turned out that pages 48 – 81 with Iliev reproduce pages 56 – 130 with Kiselova. The volume is smaller both because the font is smaller and because it omitted individual sentences. In the video you can see three separate places, which are almost identical – at the beginning, at the end and somewhere between them about Belgium. Separately, we noticed a coincidence in the concluding parts of the books – p. 509 in Iliev and p. 423 in Kiselova “, explained by” Legal Madness “.

Dr. Kiselova’s book is not in the bibliography of Petar Iliev’s edition – ie. it cannot be a misstatement or a technical error. And this would be impossible – Iliev’s edition is from 2015, and Kiselova published her thesis as a separate book only this year. In addition, a short or extensive citation with reference to, rather than copying, an entire chapter of someone else’s work is permissible in scientific publications.

The Legal Madness team points to a page comparing the work of Dr. Kiselova and Iliev – but notes that another 40 look the same – with minimal stylistic changes typical of plagiarism.

They reasonably quote and Toshko YordanovToshko YordanovToshko Yordanov Hadjitodorov is a Bulgarian screenwriter and politician. He was born on May 2, 1970. from ITN, who a few days ago stated from the rostrum of the National Assembly:

“In our opinion, a person who stole intellectual property cannot be a Bulgarian minister.”

Toshko Yordanov brutally attacked Manolova and Hristo Ivanov. What games are played?

It is important to note that plagiarism is not just a morally reprehensible practice in the scientific community, but also a reason for dismissal. Apart from being a lawyer, Dr. Petar Iliev is also a senior assistant and lecturer at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. According to the regulations of Sofia University, plagiarism is a reason for termination of employment with research and teaching staff:

(2) The termination of the employment relationship by the University or by mutual consent is done by order of the Rector. The order of the Rector is issued on the proposal of the faculty council in the cases of:
1. impossibility to ensure the determined norm of teaching employment and lack of possibility for transfer or retraining in a related scientific discipline;
2. (amended in 2017) plagiarism established in accordance with the law. Plagiarism is when a person presents someone else’s ideas, achievements, works or text as his own, by indicating himself as the actual author or by not indicating the source or actual author used. If there is evidence of plagiarism and a substantiated request, the Faculty Council elects a commission of specialists in the relevant field of higher education or professional field, which will prepare a reasoned opinion to the Faculty Council. The Commission is appointed by order of the Rector “

The same is provided by the Academic Staff Development Act. In addition, in case of proven plagiarism, for which there is a clearly established procedure, he indicates that the person cannot acquire the degrees of associate professor, professor, to be a member of an academic jury.

Proven plagiarism can also lead to the revocation of Iliev’s legal rights.

Plagiarism is also a crime under Art. 172a of the Criminal Code, but for this purpose a lawsuit must be filed:

Art. 172a. (New, SG No. 50/1995) (1) (Amended, SG No. 62/1997, amended, SG No. 75/2006, effective 13.10.2006) .) Whoever records, reproduces, distributes, broadcasts or transmits, or otherwise uses another’s object of copyright or related rights, or copies thereof, without the legally required consent of the holder of the respective right, shall be punished by imprisonment. up to five years and with a fine of up to five thousand levs.

Philip Epitropov


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