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Confirmed case of coronavirus “of unknown origin” in California

The highest health authority in the country (the Centers for Disease Control or CDC by its acronym in English) informed on Wednesday night that a person in California could be the first case of a contagion of coronavirus inside the country.

That is, for the first time a person would have contracted the disease in an unknown way: not on a trip or by a person who returned from abroad.

The source of infection of the new case in California is still unknown. This is the case number 15 contracted in the United States; that is, from an infected person who was not evacuated from Wuhan, China, or the Diamond Princess cruise, reports the chain NBC.

The source of the other cases is known: they come from trips to China or from close contact with other infected people who traveled outside the country.

In total, in the United States there are already 60 cases of COVID-19 (official name of the virus), the majority of people evacuated from Wuhan or the Diamond Princess.

“At this time, the patient’s exposure is unknown,” the CDC said in the statement.

“It is possible that this is a community propagation instance of COVID-19, which would be the first time this has happened in the United States. Community propagation means the spread of a disease whose source of infection is unknown. It is also possible , however, that the patient has been exposed to a traveler who returned and was infected. “

The CDC noted that the case was detected through the public health system.

The first case of coronavirus in the United States It was recorded at the end of January near Seattle: a man in his 30s who had returned from visiting the Chinese region of Wuhan, where the outbreak was generated in December.

Meanwhile, the president, Donald Trump has insisted that the epidemic represents a “low risk” for the United States. On Wednesday, he appointed Vice President Mike Pence as coordinator of efforts to protect the country from the coronavirus.

The White House requested a fund of more than US $ 2,000 million for the development of a vaccine and the purchase of equipment and health supplies. However, a group of legislators in the Capitol led by Chuck Schumer believe that the amount is below what is necessary and are requesting US $ 8,500 million to respond at the federal, state and local levels. At the conference, Trump said he has no problem with spending more money to face the problem.

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