Home » today » World » Confirm death of Chinese doctor who was censored for warning about the outbreak of coronavirus | Univision Salud News

Confirm death of Chinese doctor who was censored for warning about the outbreak of coronavirus | Univision Salud News

Media in China changed the report on the death of Li Wenliang, the Chinese doctor who tried to alert about the deadly outbreak of coronavirus. At first they reported that he had died because of that disease.

The official medium People’s Daily He was the first to report his death. The doctor worked as an ophthalmologist in Wuhan, a city that was the epicenter of infection.

Now the same means of communication, citing the hospital where he is hospitalized, indicated that he is in serious health.

According to journalists quoted by the BBC, the government intervened when the information began to circulate.

“Reports say that the doctor received a treatment known as ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) that keeps a person’s heart pumping and keeps his or her oxygenated blood without passing through the lungs,” the British media said.

Li Wenliang tried to warn in December about the deadly virus, but the chain reported BBC, the police tried to stop him.

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The Chinese authorities tried to censor information on the deadly virus that has killed more than 560 people in China so far.

The World Health Organization (WHO) even published a message from its executive director, Mike Ryan, when he first learned of Wenliang’s death: “We are deeply sad for the death of Dr. Li Wenliang. We must all celebrate the work he did in # 2019nCoV “.

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Now in the Chinese social network Weibo, users indicate that the doctor is still fighting for his life. He was hospitalized since January 12 and confirmed that he had coronavirus days later. Li Wenliang, had warned of a possible disease similar to “SARS”. He was accused, according to CNN, of “spreading rumors” and “disturbing the social order.”

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