Home » today » World » Confession in the Maria Baumer trial. Christian F .: I got rid of the body – Munich

Confession in the Maria Baumer trial. Christian F .: I got rid of the body – Munich

Regensburg – There was breathless silence in jury room 104 when the confession of the accused in the spectacular Maria Baumer murder trial was read out at 11:32 a.m.: Yes, he buried the body of the 26-year-old on May 27, 2012 in the forest near Bernhardswald. But no: he did not commit a murder, Maria Baumer’s fiancé Christian F. (35) had his lawyer Michael Euler present.

Photo: Joerg Voelkerling, Privat / ZDF-“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/hristian-f-35-soll-seine-verlobte-maria-baumer-ermordet-haben-201310726-72447400/Bild/2.bild. jpg “/>

Christian F. (35) is said to have murdered his fiancée Maria BaumerPhoto: Joerg Voelkerling, Privat / ZDF

►The nurse’s adventurous explanation: Maria had complained of back and stomach pain after a visit to his brother’s horse farm the previous evening and had to have taken some tablets from his own medicine supply on the night of Whit Saturday 2012.

“When he woke up, she was pale and cold to the touch. He couldn’t feel a pulse anymore and saw two opened packs of Tavor and Tramadol next to the bed, ”said the statement read out before the Regensburg Regional Court.

Ein Spaten wie dieser wurde nahe der Leiche von Maria Baumer gefunden – Christian F. hatte ein baugleiches Model vor dem Verschwinden des Opfers gekauftPhoto: police-“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/ein-spaten-wie-dieser-wurde-nahe-der-leiche-von-maria-baumer-find–christian-f-hatte -ein-baugle-201473118-72443876 / image / 5.bild.jpg “/>

A spade like this one was found near the body of Maria Baumer – Christian F. had bought an identical model before the victim’s disappearancePhoto: police

He had fallen into emotional chaos, but at the same time feared that the death investigation would reveal his thefts of drugs on his ward in the Regensburg district hospital.

Therefore, he decided to take the body out of the house the following night and to stage a voluntary dive for Maria’s family with fake Facebook messages and alleged phone calls from the young woman.

►He wrapped the body in blankets, tied it with a clothesline and carried it into the trunk of his car. He then dug a hole in a wooded area near his brother’s riding stables, took off the corpse’s nightgown and pulled the engagement ring off his finger.

Then he poured two sacks of cement over them: “That should prevent an excavation.” He did not mean, as the prosecution claim, to cover up traces.

And the fact that he had left the Gardol feather spade on the grave, which he had bought days earlier and paid for with an EC card, speaks against a planned act, according to the defender. In addition, this spade is not at all suitable for the planned digging of a hole in the ground, according to Michael Euler: This would have resulted from his own digging attempts – the spade is about to break.

The defense attorney also went to court with the alleged murder motive of the public prosecutor: He did not kill Maria Baumer in order to be free for a patient he admired (19). Maria was the love of his life, he only wanted to test his “market value with other women” before marrying.

Im September 2013 fanden Pilzsucher an dieser Stelle Teile des Skeletts von Maria BaumerPhoto: Joerg Voelkerling-“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/im-september-2013-fanden-pilzsucher-an-dieser-stelle-teile-des-skeletts-von-maria-baumer-201472792- 72447460 / image / 1.bild.jpg “/>

In September 2013, mushroom pickers found parts of Maria Baumer’s skeleton at this pointPhoto: Joerg Voelkerling

Christian F. explained his search requests for “the perfect murder” in the days before Maria’s disappearance with his passion for crime novels: He wanted to watch a ZDF documentary entitled “An almost perfect crime” on YouTube. He explained the search for “lorazepam letale dose” with feared suicides by patients.

When Christian F. apologized to Maria Baumer’s relatives for leading them astray for years, prosecutor Thomas Rauscher responded with clear words: “It is limitlessly disrespectful to the relatives to blame Ms. Baumer for her death push. Was it really necessary to humiliate Mrs. Baumer again and do this to the relatives? “

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