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Conference on the Limits of Human Trafficking: Combating Trafficking Through Interdisciplinary Cooperation

Diplomatic Academy Vienna and online, on October 19th from 8:45 a.m. to 5:45 p.m.

Combating human trafficking remains a global problem that requires intensive cooperation between state and non-state actors. Above all, interdisciplinary collaboration and active action at an institutional level are essential, which is why the inclusion of practical expertise and the exchange of practitioners from all areas of human trafficking is of great importance.

This year’s conference focuses on the “limits in human trafficking”. This involves different types of boundaries. It already concerns the typology of human trafficking itself, which is not only different from trafficking, with which it is often mixed up. The distinction between human trafficking and exploitative practices, which are also becoming more and more widespread but do not constitute human trafficking per se, needs to be discussed in light of new forms of exploitation. The issue of state borders is not only omnipresent with regard to the war in Ukraine, it also plays an important role in the connections between human trafficking, irregular migration and refugee movements. The limits of what is possible – and therefore also the possibilities of engaging in human trafficking – have expanded significantly due to the rapid development of communication technology, just as the forms of perpetration have expanded, particularly in the area of ​​identity theft and fraud using IT systems.

We want to shed more light on these different boundaries in a panel discussion and four thematic workshops with victim protection institutions, intergovernmental institutions, international organizations, NGOs and experts. The participants will try to develop effective measures to combat human trafficking in four different workshops that deal with the topics of vulnerability to labor exploitation, cross-border victim protection, the effectiveness of protective measures in child trafficking and the effects of new technologies.

The fight against human trafficking has been a focus of Austrian foreign policy since the Human Trafficking Task Force was founded in 2004. The task force has been organizing the Vienna Conference against Human Trafficking since 2007 in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the OSCE and, for several years now, with the Principality of Liechtenstein.

2023-09-26 15:22:49
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