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Conference in Oslo – Suspected omikron infection in three municipalities

Vestre Aker district in Oslo has proven corona infection associated with a conference hosted by Abelia, and they suspect that it is omikron.

There were about 100 participants at the conference, and all participants have now been quarantined.

Two infected people are employees of Abelia, while three other cases of infection can be linked to an HR conference Abelia arranged at Lysebu in Oslo on 29 and 30 November, writes NTB.

Do not get a foothold

The five who have been confirmed infected come from three different municipalities.

– It is now more important than ever that we are careful so that the omicron infection does not quickly gain a foothold, says district doctor in Vestre Aker and medical officer for the infection tracking team in Oslo west, Jorunn Thaulow.

– What measures have been put in place?

– We have started testing and quarantine measures. In addition to those who were at the hotel, we have also started testing a number of close contacts to those who have been diagnosed with the infection, she says.

Many close contacts

Good old-fashioned infection tracing has now begun, as was done at the very beginning of the corona pandemic.

– We see that many have more close contacts now and that makes infection tracking significantly more resource-intensive. With the knowledge we have about omikron so far, there is reason to believe that more people have been infected in this outbreak. At the previously mentioned Christmas table in Oslo, more than 50 percent were infected, so we can not rule out that the number of infected from this conference will increase, she says.

Infection from travel abroad

The source of the outbreak is said to be that one of the participants had been on a trip abroad before the conference was held.

The results of the coronary tests have been sent for screening, but there has been no definitive answer to these.

– The samples have been sent for screening, and in 2 of the 5 samples we have now received the answer “probable omicron” which means that there is no delta virus and that it is very likely that it is the omicron variant. We have not yet received the screening answer for the other 3 tests. But we are now treating everyone connected to the outbreak as omicron to prevent further spread at an early stage, she says.

– Do you suspect that there are more infected?

– With the knowledge we have about omikron so far, there is reason to believe that more people have been infected in this outbreak. At the previously mentioned Christmas table in Oslo, more than 50 percent were infected, so we can not rule out that the number of infected from this conference will increase.

– How many close contacts are we talking about?

– There were around 100 close contacts at the conference. Since the infection was not discovered until the participants had returned home, there is reason to believe that the number is higher, but it is difficult to say exactly how many people are involved.

– Were all the infected fully vaccinated?

– Yes, all five were fully vaccinated.

– Are any of the infected hospitalized?

– No, they are not. Those who are ill experience mild-moderate symptoms with fever and cold symptoms, says Jorunn Thaulow to Dagbladet.

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