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Coneval asks to recognize the right to the environment

Mexico City. The recognition of the right to the environment as a guarantee for the realization and validity of other rights recognized in favor of the person, such as food or health, must be considered by decision makers as an essential aspect in the design of public policies. highlighted the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (Coneval).

The organization presented today at the College of Mexico the Diagnostic Study and Comprehensive Evaluation of the social policy linked to the right to the environment 2023-2024, to identify the main challenges for the full exercise of this right.

The main challenge is the degradation of ecosystems, which reduces the capacity to conserve biodiversity, maintain the quality of abiotic components and to continue the provision of life-supporting ecosystem services.

The second challenge is the lag in availability, accessibility and quality of water services, coverage of the urban solid waste (MSW) collection service, drainage, as well as the poor quality of air inside the home, which violates the right to environment of the population.

Coneval explained that the third challenge is related to the delays in the availability and quality of infrastructure for the final disposal of (MSW) and wastewater treatment, as well as the limited institutional capacities for verifying compliance with regulations. applicable.

The above, commented the agency, increases exposure to health and environmental risks, as well as the vulnerability of the population due to damage to its environment.

*In this sense, Coneval suggested developing green infrastructure through agreements with the federation and state governments, as well as implementing public-private collaboration mechanisms and international financing.

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#Coneval #asks #recognize #environment

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