In “Klasika”, we meet with the representative of the new generation of choir conductors and the chief conductor of the Song Festival, Jurgis Cābuli, because on March 2 at 7 p.m., as part of the Liepāja International Festival of Stars, in the Liepaja concert hall “Lielais dzintars”, the Riga Chamber Choir Ave Sol songs by Latvian choral music masters will be played under his leadership.

The dreamy graphic designer Jānis Ivanovs will perform alongside Pēter Vaskas’ Latvian “Līdzenuma aināvā” where the musicians of the Liepāja Symphony Orchestra will play solo. In turn, we will listen to Pēteras Plakids’ “Trejžuburi” read by the owner of the heavenly clear voice, Aleksandra Špitzberga.

The musicians of the orchestra will also be heard in Jēkab Jančevski’s tribute to Vincent van Gogh’s paintings, while the orchestra’s frequent guest, pianist Edgars Tomšević, will play some of Ivanov’s sketches.