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Conditions of participation for the Organ Autumn 2024 raffle

1. 2×2 tickets for the opening concert on Sunday, October 6, 2024 will be raffled off – 2 each on the Facebook account and the Instagram account of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising. The competition lasts on Facebook and Instagram until Monday, September 23, 11:59 p.m.

2. Each participant must answer the question: “What do you love about organ music?” The answer is given via the comment function under the raffle post on the respective channel.

3. The winner will be chosen at random.

4. The winner will be informed via a private message on Facebook or Instagram. The winner must respond via Facebook or Instagram within 48 hours of the announcement, stating their first and last name. If a winner does not respond within this period, the prize will be raffled off again among all participants. The tickets will be deposited in the winners’ names at the box office.

5. Participation is free of charge. Only people who are at least 18 years old may take part. Each participant can only take part in the competition in their own name and once. Multiple entries will not be considered and may lead to exclusion from the competition.

6. The prize cannot be paid out in cash. Legal recourse is excluded.

7. All additional costs incurred during and through redemption of the prize shall be borne by the winner.

8. Comments that violate the guidelines of the Facebook or Instagram networks or German law will be removed without notice. The participant will then be excluded from winning.

9. All Facebook and Instagram names of the participants will be recorded and saved to determine the winner. All data will be deleted no later than 30 days after the end of the competition, but the comments on Facebook will remain and will continue to be publicly visible.

10. The competition is not sponsored or supported by Facebook or Instagram. Facebook is not available as a contact for the competition.

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