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Condepp calls on artisanal leaders to recognize history in the face of the discussion of the new fishing law

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On the afternoon of Wednesday, January 17, the fishing commission of the Chamber of Deputies met to continue the discussion of the project proposed by the executive for a new fishing law.

In the session, representatives of the Industry (SONAPESCA), representatives of the Women’s Network for Artisanal Fishing and CONAPACH spoke.

In response to the presentation of this last organization, Hernán Cortés, president of the Council for the Defense of Fishing Heritage (CONDEPP), was emphatic when pointing out that “Zoila Bustamante concluded her presentation with a heartfelt speech where she expressed the slogan: ‘the title of fish for those who fish’, when his signature allowed the advancement of the Longueira Law, which gave ownership of the fish to the Industry. But I urged her to recognize that it was her signature, along with the others of the Longueira Fishing Board, that ended up giving 70% of the catch quotas to the Fishing Industry, which today has 88 vessels, and in turn, “It delivered only 30% of the catch quotas to the 13,400 vessels registered in the artisanal fishing registry.”

Finally, the leader expressed that “It is not easy to forget his management at the Longueira fishing table, when he caused the collapse of CONAPACH, giving rise to the birth of our organization (CONDEPP). Records from the time show her smiling when she shared a table with Pablo Longueira; Hugo Arancibia from Confepach; Rodrigo Sarquis president of the Fisheries Industrialists; Pablo Galilea, Undersecretary of Fisheries, all this in October 2011. The leaders of that time do not forget his management in favor of the industry. ”

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