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Concert performances Time will be played during Christmas. You. Prayer / Day

In a Christmas concert performance Time. You. Prayer Church songs and prayers of various centuries in Latin, Greek, Aramaic, Church Slavonic and Latvian, as well as instrumental sound paintings by Estonian composer Arvo Pert will be performed. The interplay of the human voice and percussion instruments will vibrate hearts in common prayer. The emotional experience of the spirit will be guided by games of light. Part of the composition will be a new discovery for listeners, as it will be performed for the first time in Latvia, including prayer Our Father in Heaven Aramaic – the language of Jesus. The songs of both Eastern and Western Rita church will be mixed in the concert.

“My dream is for us all to hold together in this difficult time, to be united and to strengthen our common prayers,” says Alexander Spitzberg, the singer and head of the men’s octet.

A special gift for the listeners will be three compositions by the outstanding Estonian composer Arvo Pert, percussionist Elvis Endelis and Mikas Bāliņš.

The concert will feature a specially trained octet of musicians with professional musical education, led by conductors Aleksandrs Špicberga and Matīss Tučs. Ivars Vācers will paint the games of light. Einars Cintiņš will take care of the sound.

Aleksandra Špicberga is one of the brightest and most versatile musicians of the new generation in Latvia. The singer is equally close to academic, folk and church music. Listeners have fallen in love with Alexander’s strong voice and vivid video stories: Scripture, Suiti prayer, God was.

Elvijs Endelis and Mikus Bāliņš are one of the brightest percussionists of the new generation in Latvia. Winners of international competitions. They have won the recognition of the audience in the Latvian National Television competition Created for music. Makes music in a professional percussion ensemble permanently Ritmico, which have been nominated for the Latvian Grand Music Prize.

Tickets available www.bilesuparadize.lv

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