The idea to celebrate the anniversary on the same stage with Elīna Garanča Raimonds Pauls came from performing together five years ago. The concert is a dream cherished by both artists, and the binding motif of both parts of the concert is time.
“Every song by Raimonds Pauls on Elīna Garanča survives on stage as a dramatically saturated event. Her voice sounds great, the characters she creates are extravagant, her performances are extremely strong. But the most emotional in this concert is the chemistry of Maestro and Elīna’s creative relationship on stage. “It will be an unforgettable concert that we can give to our viewers,” says Ieva Rozentāle, the head of LTV Kultūras broadcasts.
The first part includes a series of songs composed especially for the voice of Elīna Garanča with the words of Ojārs Vācietis and Vizma Belševica, while the second part of the concert includes songs by Raimonds Pauls from movies and theater performances in a new sound. Arrangements have been made by Lolita Ritmane, Rihards Dubra, Jēkabs Jančevskis and Raimonds Macats. In this part of the concert, a chamber orchestra plays on stage with Maestro and Elīna Garanča Sinfonietta Riga.
Concert of Raimonds Pauls and Elīna Garanča If you weren’t will be seen on LTV1 and the platform November 19 at 9:30 p.m.
More about the concert If you weren’t read Inese Lūsiņa review.