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Concerns Over Closure of Shehrazad, the Only Municipal Toddler Center for Women and Children in Neukölln

Neukölln is not a good place for families with children in many places. “We live cramped, the streets are full of cars, the playgrounds are littered with syringes and cocaine depots,” says Gisela Fahlbusch, a single mother of two, summarizing the situation. “But our children need space.” So far, the Shehrazad on Roseggerstraße has been such a space for them. “It is the only municipal toddler center in Berlin that serves as a shelter exclusively for women and their children,” explains the 34-year-old. “This is our place for friendships and exchange.”

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Now she is afraid that the center could be closed. Then the single parent would no longer be able to go to the music and movement course with her children, which she has been attending for a year and a half. She would then no longer be able to take advantage of the advice on breastfeeding. The special thing about the Shehrazad: All offers are free of charge. “Many of us depend on that,” says Fahlbusch. And the increased number of incidents of domestic violence show that safe spaces are needed for women and children to be able to avoid violence before violence occurs. The vast majority of victims are female.

There should be cuts in family support

Where does the concern about the closure of the Shehrazad come from? The director of the youth welfare office, Katrin Dettmar, announced two weeks ago at a meeting in front of Neukölln town hall that there would be less money “in the area of ​​paragraph 16”, i.e. “general support for the family” and that this would also include the closure of facilities could mean. Because the Shehrazad is financed through this paragraph, people were afraid, explains Fahlbusch. Together with other mothers who visit the center regularly, she calls on the House of Representatives for “an immediate end to austerity measures in the social sector”.

Children have a right to play.

Eight year old child on a Neukölln playground

The uncertainty was triggered by savings announced by the district in the next two years. The Berlin Senate has promised the districts more money than originally planned in its budget draft. However, the Senate still wants the districts to save – they will receive more than initially feared, but no more than in the previous year. And where exactly savings are made is still open.

The district could “make the first forecasts” at the end of the summer holidays at the earliest,” explains its spokesman Berg. First of all, they are waiting for reliable information from the Senate administration. Then the district wants to “check what the changes mean in the individual areas and for the projects,” Berg continued. In December, the House of Representatives makes the final decision on the budget.

At times there was talk of the closure of three youth facilities

Until then, Neukölln families and people who work in child and youth facilities will have to live with the uncertainty. One of them is Osman Tekin. The social worker runs the youth leisure facility Manege in the Reuterkiez. “We already have so many tasks and are already so underfinanced anyway,” says the 36-year-old. “There has been talk of cuts for years.” He assumes that this time youth facilities will actually be closed.

At times there was talk of three facilities, but now it looks like it won’t be that bad. Tekin criticizes the chaotic communication in politics. He finds it particularly difficult to bear that the kids are so insecure at the moment. “As social workers and educators, we are completely overwhelmed because we can’t give them any answers either.” His colleagues are “really exhausted”. But he thinks it’s great how the children and young people protest, for example recently in the youth welfare committee.

No mud and splashing for the next two years?

Another piece of bad news was that the water playgrounds in the district could also remain closed for the next two years. Stefan Sayer, father of a three-year-old from the Schillerkiez, says: “Of course that’s crap for small children and their parents, because splashing about is one of the things that little ones really enjoy doing and for a very long time. And you can’t always go to the outdoor pool.”

Sayer also considers water playgrounds valuable from an educational point of view: “When the children dam water, build canals or tear down dams again, they have a creative physical experience. You would otherwise need complicated play equipment or expensive supervision for this – here on the water playground it is completely natural – and inexpensive.” Sayer has absolutely no understanding of the fact that this play opportunity could be lost.

There is already a hole in the table tennis table

And what do the kids think of that? Demand on the playground on Schudomastraße: Barefoot, in their pajamas and highly concentrated, four children play table tennis here in the twilight. How would you feel if broken devices were no longer repaired? Then at some point you can no longer play, says eight-year-old Sami, pointing to the table tennis table in front of him: “There’s already a hole in here.” His friend adds: “And children have a right to play.” Children need good play equipment, finds his big sister. “Nice childhood memories are important for later.”

Neukölln is screwed anyway.

18-year-old from Neukölln to the austerity measures

A group of young people chilling under a pavilion a few meters away hasn’t heard of the district’s austerity program. After a short explanation, an 18-year-old replies: “That’s bad.” On the other hand: “Neukölln is screwed anyway.” That’s why further savings don’t really matter now. “Take a look around here!” he says, pointing to the rubbish in the bushes around us.

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What do you think the district should be spending what little money it has on? The group thinks for a long time. Then everyone agrees: they would like to have more public fitness equipment. And: Lanterns on the playgrounds. “It’s dangerous for young girls who can be raped in the dark.”

2023-07-20 14:57:16
#children #space #Neuköllner #react #threat #austerity #measures #family #support

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