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Concerns over Alleged Deviations in Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School Handling: Muhadjir Effendy

Controversy Surrounding Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School Sparks Concern

Jakarta – Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy has addressed the ongoing polemic surrounding the Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes), which is suspected of deviating from religious teachings. Muhadjir emphasized the need for careful handling of the situation due to its sensitive and complex nature.

Speaking after attending Bung Karno’s 53rd Haul in Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta, on Wednesday (21/6/2023), Muhadjir stated, “This concerns a fairly sensitive and complex issue, involving many people, therefore we must be careful.”

Muhadjir stressed the importance of considering the arguments from the Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School as well as input from outsiders. He revealed that the government would once again request information from the school to gain a comprehensive understanding of the situation.

“We are still accommodating good voices from Al-Zaytun itself. We will ask for more information, and we must also pay attention to suggestions from outsiders,” Muhadjir stated.

However, Muhadjir refrained from providing specific details regarding the continuation of the handling of the controversy over religious teachings at the Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School. He clarified that the issue was currently not within his authority.

“Al-Zaytun is done, that’s the domain, not my domain temporarily. So I can’t comment yet while waiting for the next process,” Muhadjir explained.

Meanwhile, Deputy Secretary General for Law and Human Rights of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), Ikhsan Abdullah, revealed that the council is reviewing the recommendation to revoke the Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School’s permit. The school is suspected of deviating from religious teachings. Ikhsan stated that the recommendations are currently being analyzed.

“Yes, it’s being analyzed. Everything is being reviewed,” Ikhsan confirmed after a meeting to discuss the Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School at the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs on Wednesday (21/7/2023).

Ikhsan, who also serves as Special Staff to Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin, mentioned that the leadership of the Al-Zaytun Panji Gumilang Islamic Boarding School could <a href="https://www.world-today-news.com/concerns-over-alleged-deviations-in-al-zaytun-islamic-boarding-school-handling-muhadjir-effendy/” title=”Concerns over Alleged Deviations in Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School Handling: Muhadjir Effendy”>potentially face legal proceedings. The Ministry of Religion and MUI will subsequently examine options for changing management and providing guidance to students and employees at Al-Zaytun.

“If it is considered enough with Panji Gumilang’s personal involvement, legal action must be taken. Furthermore, the foundation and education will continue, and the management may be replaced and re-screened. The Ministry of Religion, together with the MUI, will foster education at Al-Zaytun,” Ikhsan explained.

The controversy surrounding the Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School has also led to demonstrations by the Indramayu Forum, who filed a lawsuit last Thursday (15/6). Among their demands is firm action from the MUI and the Ministry of Religion to investigate alleged deviations from teachings at Al-Zaytun.

The handling of this sensitive issue continues to be closely monitored by the public, as stakeholders work towards a resolution that upholds religious teachings and ensures the well-being of the students and employees at Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School.

How can the government and relevant authorities balance the promotion of religious freedom with the need to ensure that Islamic teachings are upheld in the resolution of this controversy

Further information and discussions among relevant authorities,” Muhadjir explained.

The controversy surrounding the Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School started when several videos went viral on social media, showing students engaging in activities that were deemed unconventional and deviating from traditional Islamic teachings. The school, located in Sembayat, Kediri Regency, East Java, reportedly allowed students to engage in activities such as singing, dancing, and wearing attire that was not in accordance with Islamic dress codes.

The videos sparked concern among the public, with many questioning the school’s adherence to Islamic teachings and the impact it may have on the students’ religious beliefs. The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) also conducted an investigation into the matter and found that the school had deviated from the teachings of Islam.

Following the investigation, the MUI issued a fatwa, or religious edict, declaring that the teachings and practices at the Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School were not in line with mainstream Islamic teachings.

Since then, the controversy has continued to garner attention, with calls for the government to take action and address the issue. Many have expressed concern over the potential influence of the school’s teachings on the younger generation and the potential impact it may have on the religious identity of future generations.

As the controversy surrounding the Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School continues, the government and relevant authorities face the challenge of finding a resolution that respects religious freedom while ensuring that Islamic teachings are upheld. The careful handling of this sensitive and complex issue is crucial in maintaining social harmony and upholding the values of religious tolerance in Indonesia.

1 thought on “Concerns over Alleged Deviations in Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School Handling: Muhadjir Effendy”

  1. It is crucial to thoroughly investigate any alleged deviations in the handling of students at Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School. Muhadjir Effendy should prioritize the well-being and education of students, ensuring their rights and safety are protected.


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