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Concerns and Criticisms Surrounding Proposed Changes to the RSA Program

A social regression for the most precarious. While the bill for full employment, containing in particular the mastodon France Travail (which will bring together all the actors of the employment service), arrived in the Senate on Monday, the Alerte collective, formed by 34 federations and associations national organizations for the fight against poverty and exclusion, are concerned about the multiple risks that are looming.

At the center of all fears: the payment of the RSA subject to 15 to 20 hours of compulsory weekly work (immersions, upgrades, writing CVs, etc.), a measure which had been withdrawn from the text before returning by amendment

For Daniel Goldberg, president of the UNIOPSS (National interfederal union of private non-profit health and social works and organizations), the outlines of this system are more vague than ever: “Are these compulsory hours a job?” Will people have tangible support? Who will take care of it? What is the role of associations? There is nothing in the bill. »

In the event of non-compliance with this contract of engagement, the allowance may be suspended and the person may be deregistered. The senators have limited to three months of RSA the sums that can be paid retroactively when the recipient again fulfills his « engagements ».

Henri Simorre, member of the ATD Fourth World strategic committee, warns elected officials: “Be careful, there are red lines not to be crossed! We do not see how to remobilize a person if we do not give him the means to live or survive. Recipients should be given the opportunity to choose their work. »

For Daniel Verger, Head of Access to Work, Income and Social Benefits at Secours Catholique, “This project will strengthen people on the RSA in fear of the next day and will reinforce their discrimination. In our view, the balance of this income should be imprescriptible. We would also like it to be able to reach 40 to 50% of the median income and that it be open to people over 18”.

The Alerte collective has therefore drafted a series of 23 amendments for senators. They demand, for example, to abolish the automatic registration with France Travail of the spouse of the person applying for the RSA, to cancel the sanctions and the possibility of suspending the allowance, to set a maximum ratio of job seekers per adviser, to limit the dematerialization of monitoring or even to carry out an experiment to promote access to employment for exiled people.

People with disabilities have to worry about

While only 40% of the nearly 2 million RSA recipients are currently registered with Pôle Emploi, the conditions for their entry into this system remain a big question mark: “I am doubtful. Recipients are not only “unemployed”, they also often have social problems, continues Daniel Verger. The accompaniment must be done in benevolence and must not be subordinated to a notion of rights and duties. You have to trust people. »

In the 18 departments where the RSA is currently being tested subject to activity, the financial question is already arising. “A sum of money will have to be provided for in the PLF and the PLFSS. For the moment, the assurance of a budget per person followed is not guaranteed by the State”, explique Daniel Goldberg.

People with disabilities, who represent 20% of RSA recipients, also have to worry. With the merger of Cap emploi (the agency dedicated to them), Pôle emploi and local missions to create the highly contested France Travail, the quality of monitoring could suffer.

“They are twice as unemployed as the active population, recalls Carole Salères, national employment adviser for APF France handicap. We regret that there was no assessment of the financial and human resources necessary for supporting the disabled. The public employment service has no expertise in this area. You will have to increase your skills. »

If she underlines positive points, in particular the desire to improve integration into the so-called “ordinary” professional environment, in a column published in Le Monde on July 7, sociologists Pierre-Yves Baudot and Jean-Marie Pillon emphasize that ‘“there is nothing in this bill that is related to the accessibility or layout of workstations, nothing either on the obligations of employers, nothing, finally, on the accessibility of work areas. activity “.

While the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, is now aiming to raise the employment rate to 80% in France by 2027 (compared to 68% today), with ever fewer resources, the associations hope to slow down the infernal machine a little.

2023-07-10 21:55:29
#RSA #France #Travail #Associations #protest #full #employment #law

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