changes in the prognosis. laterI told them which ones they will be.hope: the violence inFilipo Ferretti talks about thestatistics reviewed by the nypdon crime in the monthpast. also, about the lastincident in which he was the victiman elderly man.filippo: it was 12:45 of thisFriday, when a 71-year-oldyears I was walking through thissidewalk on 14th street, cornerFifth Avenue. suddenly aman attacked him. when thevictim was on the ground,gnawed the wallet.It is the most recent of the actswith February datashow a worrying increasecompared to Februarylast year.complicated, because they all come outcriminals, you have to walkvery carefully.filippo: this is the opinion thatmany people sharethe ones we talked about this afternoonthe streets of manhattan>> I’m worried about themwomen, men can bedefend, but women toSometimes they can even rape them.>> because I wascomplicated area.filippo: the relative datawith the crime ratefebruary in new york, theseare the data of the departmentof police. very tankythefts increased by 58.7%. therobberies increased by thefts increased79.2%. The only positive data,the shootings that actuallydecreased 1.3%. these aredata for the month ofFebruary 2022, incomparison to February 2021.Despite the new planmayor, an increase was reportedof crime by 30% andnearly twice as many in rounds.Arrests have increased64%, but as he explains to usthis councillor, the problemchanging laws at the state level.>> you need to use the stateto modify somelaws so that our lawsreally protect peoplewho want to go to their work andget back home.filippo: when we walk bythe streets, who sometimes wewe entertain on the phone,remember that to staysure, it’s always veryIt is important to alertwhat happens around you.that way you will avoid