Home » today » Health » Concern about the Covid-19 protocol is reopened in Congress: Four parliamentarians have incomplete their vaccination schedule

Concern about the Covid-19 protocol is reopened in Congress: Four parliamentarians have incomplete their vaccination schedule

The pandemic and the requirement of up-to-date vaccinations -considering that Minsal is already promoting the fourth dose booster- is a topic of debate these days in the new parliament that began its functions on March 11.

Until the previous legislature, the only parliamentarian who defended her decision not to get vaccinated was former socialist deputy Jenny Álvarez, whose case was made known by La Tercera, when she was infected with covid and forced a large part of her bench to go into quarantine.

In this new period, as confirmed by sources from the corporation, there would be four legislators of the Lower House who are in a situation of incomplete scheme. That is to say – and according to the Minsal definition – with none of the doses, or without completing the three required to keep the mobility pass active.

The doctrine applied by the secretariat of the Chamber of Deputies is limited to the jurisdiction enjoyed by parliamentarians, according to the Constitution, who You cannot be prevented from accessing the Chamber and the committees to exercise your legislative rights and duties.

In case that legislators are not vaccinated or have their complete dose schedulethey are still required to present a negative PCR test every Monday when there is legislative work or, failing that, they are given an antigen test in the Chamber itself, which has health personnel in its facilities.

The information on the vaccination status of people is reserved and as it is sensitive data, the Chamber maintains strict confidentiality of identities. The only ones who can reveal their position are the parliamentarians themselves and it has already been done – for example – by the deputy of the Republican Party, Johannes Kaiser, who affirmed that although he has the basic scheme of two vaccines, it will not be boosted with new doses.

“There are vaccines that generate clots, the reinforcement had to be crossed. Not even with the same vaccine, but with another vaccine. I have coagulation problems, so, knowing that one of the side effects that they say occurs, which can cause coagulation problems, I have made the free decision not to inject the third dose because of the risk. But I have complied with what was originally requested of me. If later they come to tell me: well, you have to wear the third, the fourth or the fifth, I personally may wonder why. Let’s see, what happened to the original medical reports, ”says Kaiser.

When the parliamentary committees were consulted, from the UDI the deputy head of the bench, Sergio Bobadilla, affirms that all the deputies have their scheme up to date and also the advisers of the bench. The same is pointed out by the head of the PL-PR committee, Vlado Mirosevic.

The PS deputy and member of the Health Commission, Danisa Astudillo, assures that in her bench everyone has the inoculation and the same is replicated by the PPD representative, Helia Molina.

Nevertheless, in RN they confirm that one of the cases with an incomplete schema is among their ranks. They assure that for medical reasons the vaccines have not been applied.

In the Partido de la Gente, deputy Rubén Oyarzo comments that he has been able to confirm that four of the seven parliamentarians that make up the bench have three doses. About the rest – these days, in activities in the district – he has not obtained more information.

The Senate, on the other hand, applies a different and more demanding doctrine equally to its officials, advisors, journalists and senators who have the complete vaccination schedule to enter the corporation’s dependencies. For it it is periodically requested to present the mobility pass.

so and now with four deputies without their full vaccination, the unknown is opened regarding the criterion that was used with the ex-parliamentary Álvarez and the income policies. That is to say, if it is “required” that everyone has the successive reinforcements, considering that Health has already commissioned its Vaccine Advisory Committee to analyze the administration of a fifth dose.

The president of the table, the PPD deputy Raúl Soto affirms that “we met a few days ago with the Covid committee of the Chamber and the experts who advise us on these matters and work is being done on an update of the protocols that will be proposed to the parliamentary committees next Friday.” Soto affirms that the modifications aim to make certain aspects more flexible, but “with responsibility.”

In addition to the parliamentarians who do not have their vaccine doses up to date, there are parliamentarians in Congress who have expressed concern about the effects of immunization. One of them is the deputy of Approve Dignity Ana María Gazmuri, who, within the framework of the Chamber’s Health Commission, pointed out possible cases of myocarditis in children.

“My concern continues to be particularly the adolescent boys and girls, the adverse effects that the vaccines have had on them,” he says.

Gazmuri’s intervention generated the immediate reaction of the PPD parliamentarian and former Minister of Health, Helia Molina, who was sitting next to her. Surprised, the former health authority questioned with gestures what Gazmuri raised, pointing out that it is marginal cases in the statistics.

“It is that they are not so few, that is what happens”, the parliamentarian replied to Molina. Gazmuri’s intervention quickly went viral on social networks.

in conversation with The Third PMthe deputy rules out having a position against vaccination and remarks that she has three doses of Sinovac. “I’m not anti-vaccine at all., but I do believe in transparency and informed, uncensored debate. As deputy Molina agreed with me, ”she replied.

Regarding his statements in the Gazmuri commission, he said that from his district they have transmitted concern about the cases of myocarditis and pericarditis in minors that he described, therefore, he considered it appropriate to raise it within the framework of the Health commission. His source was the Association of Health Professionals and Independent Researchers of Chile.

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