Conad pasta is made by an Italian giant: no one would say it
There are many supermarkets that Italians can choose from for their weekly or monthly shopping. The most famous, like Esselunga, Coop, Conad or Carrefour and then there are the so-called “discount”, which stand out for decidedly lower prices compared to more products from secondary and less prestigious brands. Examples include Eurospin, Lidl or Aldi, supermarkets that today are chosen every day by thousands of Italians.
If you also like to shop weekly or monthly at Conad, because you like the quality of the products it offers and the wide choice found on its shelves, there are details about pasta you can’t fail. Here’s who does it: it’s unbelievable but it is a true Italian giant.
Who makes Conad pasta: no one would say
As we said, Conad is a popular supermarket in Italy. Extensive throughout the land, it offers a wide selection of fruit and vegetables, meat and derivatives, fresh or frozen fish, desserts and bread products as well as preserves, sauces, long life products and so on and so on forward. However, one of the cornerstones of Conad’s offer, as well as all supermarkets in Italy, is represented by pasta, the staple food of the Mediterranean diet and present on board Italians almost every day.
While many Italians prefer to buy pasta from well-known brands such as Barilla, Garofalo and De Cecco, others choose to rely on supermarket brands and, of course, they don’t hurt that much. The Conad brand dry semolina pasta is, of course, all from La Molisana. Here’s who’s doing the other specials!

The quality is very high
The dry semolina pasta is from La Molisana, the dry unfilled egg pasta is from Le Mantovanelle, and the filled pasta is from Pagani Industrie Alimentari. In terms of new products, the fresh filled pasta comes from the Grandi Pastai Italiani factories in Correggio, while the new unfilled egg pasta and the new semolina pasta are made by Casa Milo. As for the organic lines, Conad relies on Ghigi for the durum wheat semolina and Luzi di San Lorenzo in Campo for the whole wheat semolina.
2024-10-30 17:31:00
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