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Computer incident forces thousands of French people to review their tax returns

the essential
A computer incident encountered by the Primary Health Insurance Fund forced several thousand taxpayers to review their income tax return: a real disappointment when many French people had already completed their process.

It is a real disappointment while many French people are in the process of or have already completed their 2020 income statement. At the center of the turmoil, it is the Health Insurance which for a week, has been playing mail and messages with of its beneficiaries to report a computer incident of which it has been the subject, and which concerns several thousand French people.

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This incident will thus have an impact on the beneficiaries of the Health Insurance who, in 2020, were the subject of a sick leave, a maternity or paternity leave, who were the victim of an accident at work or who receive an invalidity pension. Within this precise framework, the Health Insurance is responsible for transmitting directly to the general direction of public finances the health benefits which are taxable. These amounts are normally pre-filled when you complete your income tax return.

Data transmitted too late

This was without counting the computer incident to which the Primary Health Insurance Fund (CPAM) was the subject. “Following a national IT incident, the transmission of data on the taxable benefits of insured persons (sick leave, maternity / paternity leave, work accident or invalidity pension) was not automatically transferred to the pre-filled declarations of 2020 income, produced by the tax administration “, informs the spokesperson of the structure in the columns of West France.

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The CPAM indicates that the computer incident is “national”, but the funds of Brittany would be particularly concerned. According to the Directorate General of Public Finances, the CPAM in this region did not send the information requested of it on time. The incident will thus impact at least several hundred thousand households and will oblige the CPAM to contact each beneficiary by email or telephone. Thus, many taxpayers have found themselves for a week having to modify their tax return for 2020, sometimes adding several thousand euros to their document.

How do I change my declaration online?

To modify your declaration online, go to your “Individual” area on the site Ameli.fr. You must then click on the “My procedures” tab, download, tax statement. The amounts to be mentioned will be indicated to you by the Health Insurance: it will be necessary for you to mention them in the category “salaries, wages, pensions and annuities, the salaries and the taxable daily allowances that he has received during a year. civil “(the boxes going from” 1AJ “to” 1DJ “). But that the people concerned rest assured: they will have three months after the reception of their tax notice to rectify the situation.

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