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Compulsory vaccination! Will the vaccination be mandatory? What to do?


When it comes to vaccinating, benefits, vaccination damage, etc., opinions differ widely. The great majority in Germany can be vaccinated and thus follows the prevailing medicine and the state of the art in medicine.

RNA vaccine

A lot of people are concerned about the new RNA vaccine. Some even talk about human experiments because these vaccines have not been adequately researched and do not want to be vaccinated.

Vaccination opponents

With the new corona vaccination, heads like Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bakhdi, Wolfgang Wodarg, the extra-parliamentary corona committee of my fellow lawyers Dr. Rainer Füllmich, Dr. Justus Hoffman, Viviane and Antonia Fischer and others the other camp and try to scientifically justify that you do not need to vaccinate, etc.

What to do? To vaccinate or not to vaccinate?

Whether you want to be vaccinated as a free citizen of Germany or not, who you follow, the vaccination opponents or supporters, is an individual decision. Everyone has to find out for themselves and decide for or against a vaccination.

Compulsory vaccination?

There is currently no compulsory vaccination in Germany. However, it cannot be completely ruled out that a vaccination might be compulsory. Basically, if you want to get vaccinated anyway, you can stop reading here. However, if you do not want to be vaccinated and you are required to be vaccinated, that does not mean that you have to accept it. You can also defend yourself against such measures by the state by filing a complaint. In schools, a vaccination certificate is now also required when starting school and if the child is not vaccinated, some schools refuse to start school. This also amounts to a mandatory vaccination.

To the lawyer!

The task of the lawyer is to represent the interests of the client as a lawyer. If you would like to take legal protection because of a mandatory vaccination or a mandatory vaccination measure, you should hire a lawyer to protect your interests.

You are welcome to hire me as your lawyer. Please give me a call and make an appointment for advice on 0221/169 908 69 (lawyer Fevzi Dal).

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