Home » today » World » Compulsory vaccination: France introduces compulsory vaccination – In which countries do you have to be vaccinated against Corona?

Compulsory vaccination: France introduces compulsory vaccination – In which countries do you have to be vaccinated against Corona?

A Corona vaccination required as a means against the pandemic is being discussed in many countries. Often – such as in Germany – but only certain professional groups such as nursing staff or school staff are taken into account. Some countries have already introduced an obligation to receive a vaccination against the coronavirus in one form or another.-

In these countries there is compulsory vaccination for all adults


Compulsory vaccination for the entire adult population of a country is rare. in the Central Asian Tajikistan there is a government decree that everyone over the age of 18 must be vaccinated against the coronavirus. However, there are no more detailed provisions for implementing this mandatory vaccination.


The largely isolated Turkmenistan is one of the few countries in the world that still does not a single corona case officially have reported. Nevertheless, on July 7th, the Central Asian country announced compulsory corona vaccination for all residents over the age of 18 “without medical contraindications”.


In the smallest country in the world, the Vatican, compulsory vaccination was introduced for all residents and employees there on February 8th. The Punish in the event of a violation, theoretically enough, up to dismissal.

In these countries there is a compulsory vaccination for certain groups

Some countries and areas only have to have a corona vaccination for certain Population or occupational groups enact.


In France, compulsory vaccination has been introduced for certain groups. According to this, all employees of hospitals, old people’s or nursing homes must be vaccinated by September 15 at the latest. President Emmanuel Macron justified this in a televised address with the rapid spread of the delta variant of the corona virus.-

Incidence is increasing: These rules apply to entry, return, test and quarantine


Greece has also announced compulsory vaccination. According to Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, it will apply to employees in Retirement homes and from September 1st for the health sector.-


In Italy doctors and other medical personnel have been obliged to immunize since May 25th. Otherwise they are threatened Banto work with patients. Around 300 victims have sued against this requirement, and a court hearing is planned for Wednesday.-

Great Britain

The UK government announced on June 16 that all retirement home workers must be fully vaccinated. The compulsory vaccination therefore also applies to hairdressers and other service providers as well as voluntary helpers. The measure has yet to be approved by Parliament.

Incidence is over 320 - These entry rules apply to the UK


In Russia, President Vladimir Putin recently again opposed mandatory nationwide vaccination despite the low vaccination rate. Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin ordered a kind of mandatory vaccination for the service sector on June 16. Around 60 percent of employees, around two million people, must be vaccinated by August 15. In St. Petersburg and other areas, the authorities introduced similar requirements. All professional soldiers also run the risk of being discharged Latviawho are not fully vaccinated by August 1st.-


In the USA there are only a few coercive measures: The Californian city of San Francisco announced at the end of June that its around 35,000 employees would have to be vaccinated, otherwise there is a threat disciplinary action right up to discharge. However, this requirement will not come into effect until the vaccines are fully approved. In Texas, one of the largest hospitals in Texas has quit or fired over 150 employees after refusing to be vaccinated.

In these countries there is no general compulsory vaccination – but as good as

In some countries there is no formal general compulsory vaccination, but there are restrictions for Unvaccinated are so massive that they come very close to being an obligation.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia announced that from August only vaccinated people will have access to government and private facilities, including Educational and entertainment venues, to get. The same applies to using public transport – and returning to work.


In the province of Balochistan in Pakistan, all non-vaccinated persons have been banned from government offices, shopping centers and parks since July 1, nor are they allowed to use public transport. In Sindh Province officials are no longer paid if they refuse to be vaccinated. The province of Punjab threatened all those who refused to be vaccinated to cut the telephone line.

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