Home » today » Health » Comptroller: More than a million Pfizer vaccines for children are at risk of expiring this Saturday, April 30

Comptroller: More than a million Pfizer vaccines for children are at risk of expiring this Saturday, April 30

The Comptroller General of the Republic alerted the Ministry of Health (Sometimes) that more than 1 0 40 000 doses of the pediatric vaccine against COVID-19 from the Pfizer laboratory are at risk of expiring this Saturday, April 30, which could cause their loss and affect State resources.

In a statement, the agency indicated that, taking into account that the daily average of children vaccinated during the week of April 11 to 17 was 16,041 doses, it would take more than 64 days to complete the application of 1,040,974 doses. remaining, a situation that would generate the risk of losing the vaccines due to expiration.

“From the review of the Single National Repository of Health Information (Reunis) of the Ministry of Health (last updated on Thursday, April 21, 2022), the control commission highlights that there is a downward trend in the application of the pediatric vaccine for both the first and second doses. The daily average of vaccinated, in the week of April 11, with the first dose is 5,157 children while for the second dose it is 10,884, “he said.

The Comptroller stated that, according to the Official Orientation Report No. 010-2022-OCI/0191-SOO, the batches of vaccines intended for children 5 to 11 years of age they were distributed in the Directorates of Integrated Health Networks (Diris), Regional Health Directorates (Diresas), Social Health Insurance (EsSalud) and Solidarity Metropolitan System (Sisol).

On April 18, 2022, the agency’s control commission visited the four Directorates of Integrated Health Networks, as well as the Regional Health Directorate of Callao, where it verified in person the existence of 130,860 doses of Pfizer pediatric vaccines dated due April 30, which corroborates the stock of doses at the level of Metropolitan Lima and Callao with respect to the stock of doses at the national level.


The Comptroller He also stated that it has been shown that in the Directorate of Integrated Health Networks Lima Norte there are inadequate controls in the manual and computerized registration of the entry and exit of Pfizer pediatric vaccines, a situation that, he pointed out, “has caused that reflect the real balance (stock), which could affect the vaccination process and the immunization goal of the target population”.

“When verifying the stock of the Pfizer vaccine in the Integrated System of Public Supply of Pharmaceutical Products (SISMED), 3,117 bottles (31,170 doses) are recorded as of April 18, however, the visible control card indicates 1,170 bottles ( 11,700 doses) as of April 17 as the last record, with a difference of 1,974 bottles (19,740 doses),” he explained.

The Comptroller General added that it has communicated to the owner of the Ministry of Health the adverse situations identified in order to adopt the preventive and corrective measures that allow reaching the goal of immunization in the target population, within the framework of their competencies and their obligations in institutional management.

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