Home » today » News » Compromís completes the renovation of its Executive of València to coordinate the management of Ribó

Compromís completes the renovation of its Executive of València to coordinate the management of Ribó

VALENCIA. Compromís completes the renewal of its Executive in València city, an organ whose validity ‘expired’ in October 2019, four years after the previous election, and whose update had been prepared in early March, just before the coronavirus crisis with the consequent decree of the state of alarm.

Thus, sources from the Valencian coalition admit that their wish would have been to resolve this process between March and April, but the current circumstances forced the postponement. However, the intention is to undertake a renovation that they consider “necessary” before the summer, probably for the month of July.

Why is it important to activate this process? Leaders of the party in the city assure that there is an agreement between the different legs of the coalition -Bloc, Initiative, VerdsEquo and the adherents- to undertake this renewal as soon as possible but with the objective, in addition, of giving a greater role to the leadership organic in the decision-making of the municipal group. In other words, the Executive actively participates, coordinates and sometimes even supervises municipal management.

In this sense, the idea is that the leadership of the party in the city will redouble its activity and hold more meetings to become a more agile body that works at a pace more similar to that of the management of the municipal group. In this way, contribute, if not on a day-to-day basis, yes to the monitoring of major issues and decisions. In short, that the organic dome has the opportunity to influence municipal policy.

Manifesto against ZAL

In fact, when asked about this approach, the sources consulted recalled what happened with the approval of the plan of the Port of Valencia to recondition the Logistics Action Zone (ZAL). A proposal raised by the socialist councilor Sandra Gómez and which was endorsed by the entire Local Government Board, including Compromís. Days after this, Joves-PV, the youth section of Compromís, was promoting a manifesto expressing its rejection of this action, which was signed by prominent coalition leaders such as the Minister of Education, Vicent Marzà, the autonomous secretary of Territorial Policy, Imma Orozco, or the general director of Social Services Infrastructures, Enric Juan, as well as the vice president of the deputation of Valencia, Maria Josep Amigó, the Síndic de Compromís in Les Corts, Fran Ferri, the coalition co-spokesperson, Àgueda Micó and MPs from the parliamentary group like Graciela Ferrer, Juan Ponce, Papi Robles, Carles Esteve and Josep Nadal.

In the brief, it was admitted, however, that, without having given the green light to the aforementioned administrative procedure, it could have incurred “an offense of prevarication”. All in all, the writing was a formula with which the Valencian coalition expressed its certain disagreement not only with the agreed measure, but with the urban and environmental approach that the ‘Cap i Casal’ consistory was showing.

Precisely the sources consulted consider that, if there were a renewed and more active Executive, this matter could have been debated within the party to seek some other solution or, failing that, prepare a joint and coordinated strategy to offer a unique response that would result as effective as possible to address society in general and especially the groups involved. In this way, to avoid that, days after the City Council approved the issue with the support of Compromís, a large part of the ‘heavyweights’ of the coalition would come out on the other hand to contradict the decision, remembering that it would not have happened “ruling in lonely”.

A situation that exemplifies the need, at least that is how many of those involved consulted by this newspaper see it, to reinforce the activity and leading role of the future Executive. As for the formula, although in 2015 four simultaneous assemblies were organized in the Center October to elect the representatives, everything points to the fact that in the face of the covid-19 crisis, the different organs of the different legs of the coalition will carry out their processes internally independently and will elevate the chosen ones to be integrated in the new direction.

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