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Comprehensive infant basic immunizations for children who grow up healthy and active

PONTIANAK – Department of Obstetrics Poltekkes Kemenkes Pontianak lecturer held community service in August 2022. The activity was in the form of counseling on basic baby immunization.

The activity was carried out by three teachers, namely Henny Fitriani, S.ST., M.Keb as Head of Community Service, Taufik Hidayat, MT and Sri Utami, SKM as a member of the Community Service.

The activity involved three students from the Department of Obstetrics of the Polytechnic of Health of Pontianak. Community service activities are carried out at the UPT. East Pontianak Saigon Health Center. The number of mothers who brought their babies for immunization was 35.

Community service is one of the pillars of the Tri Dharma of higher education which must be carried out by every teacher in educational institutions.

Comprehensive basic immunization consists of immunization against hepatitis B, polio, tuberculosis, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, pneumonia and meningitis and measles.

Vaccinations are generally more focused on children because their immune systems are still not as good as that of adults, which makes them vulnerable to disease.

Complete basic immunization is sufficient to be administered once, but must be done gradually and completely.

The side effects of immunization are one of the reasons parents object to immunizing their children. So it is necessary to socialize and educate about basic childhood immunization.(behind)

PONTIANAK – Department of Obstetrics Poltekkes Kemenkes Pontianak lecturer held community service in August 2022. The activity was in the form of counseling on basic baby immunization.

The activity was carried out by three teachers, namely Henny Fitriani, S.ST., M.Keb as Head of Community Service, Taufik Hidayat, MT and Sri Utami, SKM as a member of the Community Service.

The activity involved three students from the Department of Obstetrics of the Polytechnic of Health of Pontianak. Community service activities are carried out at the UPT. East Pontianak Saigon Health Center. The number of mothers who brought their babies for immunization was 35.

Community service is one of the pillars of the Tri Dharma of higher education which must be carried out by every teacher in educational institutions.

Comprehensive basic immunization consists of immunization against hepatitis B, polio, tuberculosis, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, pneumonia and meningitis and measles.

Vaccinations are generally more focused on children because their immune systems are still not as good as that of adults, which makes them vulnerable to disease.

Complete basic immunization is sufficient to be administered once, but must be done gradually and completely.

The side effects of immunization are one of the reasons parents object to immunizing their children. So it is necessary to socialize and educate about basic childhood immunization.(behind)

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