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Compostable packaging in tune with the times

While the decrees of the law known as Anti-waste for a circular economy (Agec) are taken and that the bill “ combating climate change and strengthening resilience to its effects ”, Says the Climate bill partly resulting from the work of the Citizen’s Convention for the Climate (CCC), begins its legislative course, Tipa has commissioned Ipsos digital to study the expectations of the French in terms of packaging. The Israeli compostable packaging specialist can thus affirm that 90% of the French consider compostable packaging as “A healthy and ecological alternative to conventional packaging”. 89% think the food should be offered in compostable packaging, while 65% say they are prepared to pay more for this offer. The study also reveals that sorting is practiced by 93% of respondents when 45% make a compost. In fact, 88% say they incorporate compostable packaging into their compost or want to do so.

The study was conducted among a sample of 1000 people aged 18 to 65 in November 2020. Tipa conducted a similar survey in July 2020 in the United Kingdom, which reveals French people more enthusiastic than their neighbors across the country. Handle. ” These results show that the French are ready and have already started to change their habits in terms of waste management. In fact, the French may even be more ready than their British neighbors », Concludes Daphna Nissenbaum, co-founder of Tipa.

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