Having recovered from a series of high-profile scandals, Kirkorov decided to go under the knife of a famous plastic surgeon. The result is truly astounding.
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Shortly before the New Year holidays, Philip Bedrosovich admitted that at the age of 55 he looks chic thanks to the skill of his personal plastic surgeon. Young people don’t understand him, the singer said at the time, and he simply has to look fresh and smart not only on screen. Kirkorov with all secular parties sang laudatory odes to his “god of beauty”, and now the audience saw the result of the speech.
Completely rehabilitated on New Year’s holidays Philip Bedrosovich came out. The singer has significantly strengthened and looked 20 years younger: an absolutely smooth face, a suspiciously narrow eye slit and a carefully dyed beard made him look like a stage colleague – Timati.
“He is obviously after a facelift”, “Now he is some kind of real Armenian”, “Facelift? And as if he removed the arrows from the tattoo”, “Completely unrecognizable”, “Did you hem your eyelids?” – guess fans on the web.
The most devoted fans, after watching Kirkorov, finally found an explanation for his strange appearance on the set of the scandalous film “Self-irony of fate.” In Hippolyte’s image, the King of Pop was a little bloated and flabby. “Did you see the New Years movie on TNT with him, I think? He was filming there, apparently right after a makeover. This is a nightmare, folks! It’s awful there. And after all, he hasn’t refused yet, ”knowledgeable people write in the comments.
Note that Philip Bedrosovich himself, his regular trips to cosmetologists and surgeons don’t hide now. A few weeks ago, at a birthday party for journalist Alena Zhigalova, the singer said: “You don’t understand, you are too young and beautiful. And I’m handsome, but not young.