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Completely paranormal end of match between Duke and North Carolina!

Tonight, Duke and North Carolina honored the most prestigious of rivalries in the NCAA. Blue Devils and Tar Heels gave us a legendary match, punctuated by a breathtaking finish.

Duke and North Carolina are without a doubt the two most prestigious universities in basketball. One is an NBA superstar factory (Kyrie Irving, Jayson Tatum, Zion Williamson to name a few), and the other is the college that many consider the best player of all time, Michael Jordan.

And it turns out that the two campuses are only separated by about 15 kilometers. It is therefore natural that a rivalry has set up between the two programs, and the clashes between these behemoths are events not to be missed. Because very often, the spectacle and the suspense are at the rendezvous, as evidenced by this mind-blowing stat.

Duke and North Carolina have been tied for the last 100 games. Each team has 50 victories, and the same number of points scored (7.746).

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Like the last 100, the game played last night between the Blue Devils and the Tar Heels was more than indecisive, and everything was played in an incredible finish. With 4 seconds on the clock and a deficit of 2 points on the scoreboard, Tre Jones, leader of Duke, is on the line of throws. He intentionally misses his shot, recovers his own rebound, and sends everyone in overtime!

To see such breathtaking action in a match is already incredible … But two ?! Because yes, at the end of the extension, the scenario repeated itself. Tre Jones throws, a failure, a rebound … The rest is historic!

This moment is the perfect representation of what high performance sport is. Suspense, improbable scenarios, and above all, emotions that no other area of ​​life can bring.

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