The program of workshops on digital education that Gemma Martínez will inaugurate on Wednesday will have its second appointment on April 6 with the entitled ‘Misuse of social networks: cyberbullying, sexting, grooming, digital footprint’, given by Ana Estévez, professor of the department of Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment of the University of Deusto.
On May 7, the workshop ‘Sexism on the Internet and its effects on adolescents’ will take place, led by Raquel Calvo, social educator and sexologist.
‘Abusive use of mobile phones, social networks, video games and online games. How do we act?’ It will be the fourth workshop, which will be given on May 19 by Jorge Flores, director of Friendly Screens. Finally, on June 9, Nagore García Sanz will speak on ‘Characteristics of social networks and video games used by adolescents, responsible use and digital identity’.
All workshops are free and will take place at Palmera Montero. Registration for the first two can be done at