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Complete List of Prospective PSSI Chairpersons, Representatives, and Exco Members


Election Committee (KP) PSSI announced that there were five people who entered the stock exchange for Candidates for the General Chair of PSSI. Besides La Nyalla Mattalitti and Erick Thohirthere are three other names.

This KP announcement was made after the deadline for registration to enter the stock exchange which fell on Monday (16/1/2023), at 18.00 WIB. Previously, only three names were known to have registered as Caketum, namely La Nyalla, Erick Thohir, and Doni Setiabudi.

After the names were recapitulated by KP, it turned out that there were two other names running for Caketum. Two other names are Arief Putra Wicaksono and Fary Djemy Francis.

“We KP today at 18.00 declared the closing of the stages of conveying the support and willingness of the candidates. From the data that has come to us, it is still raw data. This means that there may be multiple names and so on,” said KP head Amir Burhanuddin, when giving a statement.

“We have not opened the files one by one. When we open the files, they will be at the verification stage. From the data we have received, both the support of the members and the willingness of each candidate, there are five candidates for the chairmanship. All of them are men,” he added.

Meanwhile there are more candidates for the position of Vice Chairman of PSSI with a total of 17 people. While for the position of candidate members of the PSSI Executive Committee (Exco) enlivened by 78 people.

These names do not necessarily pass verification. Later KP will announce the final names that will compete in the PSSI election contest.

Prospective Candidates for the General Chair of PSSI:

1. AA La Nyalla Mattalitti
2. Arif Putra wicaksono
3. Doni Setiabudi
4. Erick Thohir
5. Parish of Djema Francis

Prospective Candidates for the Vice-Chancellor of PSSI:

1. Ahmad Riyadh
2. Ahmad Sauqi Suratno
3. Andre Rosiade
4. Azrul Ananda
5. Doni Setiabudi
7. Parish of Djema Francis
8. Hasani Abdul Gani
9. Hasnuryadi Sulaiman
10. Ivan Budianto
11. June Rachman
12. Maya Damayanti
13. Queen Tisha
14. Sadikin Aksa
15. Isaiah Octavian
16. Yunus Nusi
17. Zainudin Amali

Prospective PSSI Exco Members:

1. Achmad Baidowi
2. Achsanul Qosasi
3. Adrian Asriel
4. Agung Hizbul Wathan
5. Agus Ambo Djiwa
6. Augustine Sabran
7. Ahmad Riyadh
8. Ahmad Susanto
9. Ahmad Syauqi Soeratno
10. Ahmed Zaki Iskandar
11. Amir Burhanuddin
12. Andre Rosiade
13. Apung Widadi
14. Arya Mahendra Sinulingga
15. Azrul Ananda
16. Bambang Tujiatno
17. Build Siagian Salmon
18. Me Erwin
19. Bima Sinung Widagdo
20. Budi Setiawan
21. Bustami Zainudin
22. Chaerul
23. Daconi
24. Dirk Soplanit
25. Diza Rashid Ali
26. Jamal Aziz
27. Doni Setiabudi
28. Duddy S. Sutandi
29. Effendi Syahputra
30. Eko Setiawan
31. Endri Erawan
32. Fanny Irawatie
33. Parish of Djema Francis
34. Ganisa Pratiwi Rumpoko
35. Gede Widiade
36. Hadiandra
37. Hasani Abdul Gani
38. Hasnuryadi Sulaiman
39. Husni Effendi Hasibuan
40. I Ketut Suardana
41. Imam Muhammad
42. Indra DT. Rajo Lelo
43. John Wempi Wetipo
44. Juni Rachman
45. Khairul Anwar
46. ​​Kurniawan Dwi Yulianto
47. Lexyndo Hakim
48. Maya Damayanti
49. Mirza Rinaldi
50. Monica Desideria
51. Muhammad
52. Muhammad Jaelani Saputra
53. Munafri Arifuddin
54. Nirmala Dewi
55. Paulus Kia Botoor
56. Pieter Tanuri
57. Purwanto
58. Raffi Ahmad
59. Queen Tisha
60. Rocky Beben
61. Rudy Yulianto
62. Sadikin Aksa
63. Sigit Widodo
64. Sofyan Lestaluhu
65. Sonhaji
66. Sumarji
67. Syafril
68. Syafril Nasution
69. Teddy Tjahjono
70. Tigor Shalom Boboy
71.Tommy Apriantono
72. Vivin Cahyani Sungkono
73. Wempi Wetipo
74. Isaiah Octavian
75. Those of Tumena
76. Yosephine N BR Sembiring
77. Yunus Nusi
78. Zulkarnaen

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